Nutrition & Weight Calculator Group
Does your nutrition or weight related site need nutrition tools that will help you compete with the nutrition sites of the bigger name companies while helping you keep your online visitors? We have affordable online nutrition and weight calculators to add to your site. Your visitors can calculate their resting metabolism (also known as BMR or Basal Metabolism Rate), ideal weight, frame size, and how many calories they burn.We even offer a full body analysis, which calculates many of the leading health indicators. Find these nutrition and weight calculators and more, right here! See if there's an nutrition calculator or weight calculator you can add to your site that will help your visitors. Better yet, add our entire group of nutrition and weight calculators at a very reasonable price! Just click the shopping cart by "Nutrition & Weight Calculators" to subscribe to the whole group, or click the shopping cart by a specific calculator name to order just that one. If you can copy and paste a link to your site, you can add as many nutrition calculators as you need in just minutes.
Nutrition & Weight Calculators are perfect for: Nutritionists, Dieticians, Personal Trainers, Nutrition Services, Weight Loss Services, Health & Nutrition, Nutrition Consumers, Nutrition Educators, Nutrition Professionals, Weight Loss Consumers, Weight Loss Educators, Weight Loss Professionals, Supplement Retailers, Medical Services
Other topics covered in this Nutrition & Weight Calculator group:
- calculator weight loss
- healthy calories
- nutrition about
- loose weight help
- weight fat loss
- ideal weight men
- ideal weight male
- ideal weigth woman
- ideal weight women
- ideal weight female
Nutrition & Weight Calculators
Nutrition Label
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How many calories and other nutrients were in that food I ate? |
Generate a customized nutrition label for any of thousands of foods. Best of all, you won't have to do any math to interpret this label - just enter your serving amount and your calories per day and the nutrient values and daily values will be customized for you! The data includes all foods from the USDA data base, fast food, plus many, many other food items.
Calories per Day
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How many calories should I eat each day to maintain my weight? |
Use your Resting Metabolism (RMR) (also known as Basal Metabolism or BMR) then factor in your activity level to get about how many calories you burn in an average day. You can eat about this many calories per day to maintain your current weight. This calculator uses gender, height, weight, and age to determine your RMR, then makes adjustments depending on the activity level you choose.
Calories Burned Today
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How many calories did I burn today with exercises and other activities? |
Find out how many calories you burned today, including calories burned through exercise and activities. First, we'll start with your resting metabolism (RMR or BMR), or how many calories you need each day just to maintain basic bodily functions. We'll get about how many calories you burned today by looking at your lifetyle at work, home, or play and the calories burned during specific exercises and activities you choose. This calculator uses gender, height, weight, and age to determine your RMR, then makes adjustments depending on the lifestyle level you choose, and finally adds in the calories burned doing the selected exercises and activities.
Simple Resting Metabolism
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What is my resting metabolism (or how many calories would I burn each day even if I didn't move a muscle)? |
Your resting metabolism (RMR) (also known as basal metabolism or BRM) is the minimum calories you burn each day for your body to keep everything functioning. The simplest RMR formula, used by this calculator, requires just gender and weight. This formula was developed by Dr. Fred Hatfield of the International Sports Sciences Association and is fairly accurate if your body fat is in the normal range (14-19% for men, 20-25% for women). If your body fat is substantially higher than normal, this formula will overestimate your RMR.
Advanced Resting Metabolism
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What is my resting metabolism (or how many calories would I burn each day even if I didn't move a muscle)? |
The minimum calories you burn each day for your body to keep everything functioning (also known as your basal metabolism (BMR) or resting metabolism (RMR)). This calculator uses gender, height, weight, and age to determine your RMR.
Lean Mass Resting Metabolism
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Given my lean mass percentage, what is my resting metabolism (or how many calories would I burn each day even if I didn't move a muscle)? |
If you know your lean body mass, this calculator uses the formula developed by Katch and McArdle to give you a very good estimate of your resting metabolism (RMR) (also known as basal metabolism or BMR), which is the minimum calories you burn each day for your body to keep everything functioning.
Recommended Calorie Breakdown
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How many of my daily calories should come from fat, protein, total carbohydrates, fiber and sugars to maintain balanced eating? |
To maintain a balanced eating routine, you need to know where your daily calories should come from. Enter your gender and your daily calorie intake and this calculator will show you how many of your daily calories should come from fat, protein, fiber, sugars, and total carbohydrates.
Calories Absorbed By Fiber
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What affect does fiber have on my ability to lose or maintain my weight? |
People watching their weight often increase their fiber intake. Fiber has many benefits as part of your diet, one of which is that fiber absorbs calories. While increasing daily fiber intake is only one piece of the weight loss equation, this calculator will show how long it will take to lose weight if increasing fiber is the only diet change you make.
Ideal Weight
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How much should I weigh? |
Enter your gender and height to calculate your ideal weight using industry accepted formulas. You can see the ideal weights and corresponding BMIs for the 4 most used formulas (Devine, Hamwi, Miller, and Robinson) by clicking the 'Show Additional Fields' icon button.
Frame Size (Elbow)
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Use my elbow width to determine my frame size. |
Since bone structure varies in size from person to person, researchers have added frame size as a factor in helping to determine someone's ideal weight. Knowing your frame size can help you set reasonable weight goals. Enter your height and elbow width and this calculator will use standard insurance industry tables to show your frame size and ideal weight range. (Measuring the elbow, rather than the wrist, to determine frame size gives more range and accuracy, particularly for men.)
Frame Size (Wrist)
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Use my wrist circumference to determine my frame size. |
Since bone structure varies in size from person to person, researchers have added frame size as a factor in helping to determine someone's ideal weight. Knowing your frame size can help you set reasonable weight goals. Enter your height and wrist circumference and this calculator will use standard insurance industry tables to show your frame size and ideal weight range.
Full Body Analysis
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Calculate and show me many of the common health indicators. |
This calculator combines the output from several individual calculators to give you a full body analysis. Quickly find out your BMI, waist to hip ratio, body frame size, ideal weight, body fat, RMR, calories burned, target heart rate, and maximum heart rate.
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