Behavior Health Assessment Group

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Addiction & Behavior Health Assessments

Substance Abuse Assessments
Alcoholism (Short Form) (SMAST) Click here for a description.
Alcoholism (MAST) Click here for a description.
Drug Abuse (DAST) Click here for a description.
Drug Addiction Click here for a description.
Addictions & Impulse Control Assessments
Internet Addict Click here for a description.
Cell Phone Addict Click here for a description.
Compulsive Gambler Click here for a description.
Compulsive Shopper Click here for a description.
General Addiction Symptoms Click here for a description.
Ready to Lose Weight Click here for a description.
Diet Plan Click here for a description.
Food Craving Or Hunger Click here for a description.
Eating Disorder Assessments
Anorexia Click here for a description.
Bulimia Click here for a description.
Binge Eating Click here for a description.
Free Calculator  Eating Disorder Click here for a description.
Eating Disorder Contributor Click here for a description.
Healthy Body Image Click here for a description.
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Featured Behavior Health Assessment

Alcoholism (Short Form) (SMAST)   Top
Is my drinking normal or do I potentially have a problem with alcohol?
Is your drinking considered normal, by you and others, or do you think you may be alcoholic? This quick assessment is based on the Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (SMAST), one of the standard tests used by doctors and counselors to determine if a person is an addict.
Alcoholism (MAST)   Top
Is my drinking normal or am I at risk of alcoholism?
Is your drinking considered normal, by you and others, or do you think you may be alcoholic? This quick assessment is based on the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST), one of the most widely used, and is designed to give you an effective screening for lifetime alcohol-related problems and alcoholism.
Drug Abuse (DAST)   Top
Does my drug use put me at risk for a drug abuse problem?
Generally, when most people talk about substance abuse, they are referring to the use of illegal drugs. However, there are substances that can be abused for their mood-altering effects that are not drugs at all, such as inhalants and solvents, and there are drugs that can be abused that have no mood-altering or intoxication properties, such as anabolic steroids. Take this quick Drug Abuse Self Test (DAST) to learn more about the patterns of drug abuse and help you determine whether or not you may have a drug abuse problem.These questions are used by the Vanderbilt University Addiction Center.
Drug Addiction   Top
When is drug abuse actually a drug addiction?
Drug abuse may turn into drug addiction. How can you recognize if that has happened? Keep in mind that 'drugs' includes illegal drugs, as well as inhalants, solvents, steroids, among others. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the signs that drug abuse has progressed into drug addiction and help you determine whether or not you may have a drug addiction problem.
Internet Addict   Top
Am I addicted to the internet?
Are you on the internet every minute you can? Do you turn down social activities because you would rather be online? Do you spend too much time at work surfing? You may have an internet addiction. Addiction is evident when an obsession with something disrupts the more important things in life, like personal relationships, schooling, or jobs. People can become addicted to pretty much anything, and teens are especially vulnerable to addictions, whether behavior or substance addictions. Internet addiction is an impulse control disorder, similar to gambling, making it a little different than the chemical addiction of drug or alcohol abuse. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of internet addiction and help you determine if you may be addicted to the internet.
Cell Phone Addict   Top
Am I addicted to my cell phone?
Addiction is evident when an obsession with something disrupts the more important things in life, like personal relationships, schooling, or jobs. People can become addicted to pretty much anything. While teens are far more likely to become addicted to their cell phone, they will become adults and that addiction may still be unresolved. People who are shy and have low self-esteem are more likely to become cellular addicts because, with text messaging, you can make 'texting friends' that you never actually have to meet, very much like internet chatting. The cell phone has been dubbed 'the new cigarette' and 'one of the biggest non-drug addictions of the 21st century.' Psychiatrists consider mobile phone addiction to be an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Mobile phone addiction can totally isolate its victims, ruin them economically and even turn them into criminals. Addicts can easily run up phone bills over $1,000 a month, and, like drug addicts, some turn to crime to pay them. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of cell phone addiction and help you determine whether or not you may be a cellular addict.
Compulsive Gambler   Top
Am I a compulsive gambler?
Gambling is addictive if it interferes with a person's day-to-day life. Many behaviors, like gambling, can become as addictive as a substance. Between 2%-4% of Americans are compulsive gamblers and teens are about 3 times more likely to become gambling addicts than adults. There are 2 categories of gambling addiction - Action Gambling and Escape Gambling. Action gamblers are addicted to the thrill of risk-taking. They usually gamble with others so they can be recognized as the winner. Men who are compulsive gamblers are usually action gamblers. Escape gamblers use gambling to escape uncomfortable feelings or an emotional crisis. They want to avoid interacting with others, so they may use slot machines or gamble over the internet. Most women who have a gambling addiction are escape gamblers. Compulsive gamblers in all age groups are more likely to use tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and other drugs. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of compulsive gambling and help you determine if you may have a problem that could lead to a gambling addiction. (The questions for this assessment have been adapted from Gambler's Anonymous Twenty Questions.)
Compulsive Shopper   Top
Am I a compulsive shopper?
Is your closet full of clothes you've never worn? Is your makeup drawer or jewelry box overflowing? Do you find it impossible to buy just one or two CDs at a time? Does the phrase 'Shop til you drop' describe you to a tee? You may be one of about 17 million Americans (about 1 in every 20 people) who are compulsive shoppers, and 9 out of 10 of those are women. Shopping addicts are preoccupied with shopping. The constant thinking about shopping builds tension that shopping itself temporarily relieves. Women who are shopping addicts are called 'Shopaholics', while men who shop compulsively are often called 'Collectors'. 'Shopaholic' women tend to buy clothes, shoes, jewelry, makeup, and CDs. Men like to 'collect' clothes, shoes, electronics, hardware, and CDs. The problem shopping begins for many reasons, including lonliness, self-esteem, a rush, battling depression, or to escape problems. Our economy and culture encourages shopping, claiming you are helping the country by spending money. However, the consequences of compulsive shopping are serious and include unmanageable debt, marital problems or divorce, or job loss. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of compulsive shopping and help you determine if you may have a problem that could lead to a shopping addiction.
General Addiction Symptoms   Top
Could I be addicted to some substance or behavior?
Addiction is evident when an obsession with something disrupts the more important things in life, like personal relationships, schooling, or jobs. People can become addicted to pretty much anything. Addiction to substances like alcohol, prescription drugs, or illegal drugs are well-known. Impulse control disorders, or behavior addictions, are not considered addictions by some professionals, but the general symptoms and consequences are similar. Behavior addictions seem to be increasing and may include addictions to the internet, cell phones, shopping, tanning, and video games. If you cannot control your behavior or need for a substance, you may be addicted. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the general symptoms of addiction and help you determine whether or not you may be addicted to some substance or behavior.
Ready to Lose Weight   Top
Am I ready to lose weight successfully?
Did you know that being ready to lose weight is an important factor in losing weight successfully? When you are prepared in all areas of your life (emotional, mental, physical) losing weight is easier and you will be more successful. Take this quiz to see if you're ready now. If the quiz indicates you are not ready or not 100% ready it's OK to get going while you continue to work and get ready in all the different areas. Getting ready to lose weight doesn't just happen either. Waiting until everything is perfect in your life is not likely to happen. You have to want to be ready and be taking active steps to getting yourself ready. Take control of the things you can to prepare yourself for weight loss success.
Diet Plan   Top
Does the diet plan I'm considering actually have a good chance of helping me lose weight?
The diet plan you choose to lose weight is critical to your success, whether you design you own plan decide to follow a published plan. If you can't live with the plan, you can't lose weight. And if the plan isn't a good one, it probably help much either. Run this Diet Plan Assessment to learn what a good diet plan will include. Better yet, run it with a specific plan in mind to avoid wasting a lot of time trying different plans. You can lose weight by choosing a plan that works that you can live on!
Food Craving Or Hunger   Top
When you eat, is it because you are physically hungry or psychologically craving food? Our bodies and minds deceive each other and confuse us into becoming or remaining overweight. Once you learn to recognize real hunger from cravings you can create a Cravings Substitute List and work on other anti-craving techniques to help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
Anorexia   Top
How can I tell if I, my child, or someone I know might have anorexia?
Messages are all around us of the benefits of a healthy diet and regular exercise. Advice on how to do that is also readily available. However, an obsession with losing weight and exercising can lead to anorexia. The emotional and physical consequences are serious. A person with anorexia does not realize the dangers (including hair loss, fatigue and weakness, dehydration, weakened immune system, heart trouble, even death) of denying food to their body. It's also important to know that about 50% of people with anorexia also develop bulimia. (See our Bulimia Assessment for help if you think you or a loved one may have bulimia.) Answer these few questions to learn more about the signs of anorexia and help you determine if your child or someone you know may have anorexia.
Bulimia   Top
How can I tell if my child or someone I know might have bulimia?
Purging seems like an easy way to control weight. 'Eat anything you want, as much as you want, and never gain an ounce! Just get rid of the calories consumed.' Unfortunately, more than just calories are expelled during purging. The loss of potassium and other necessary minerals from purging can lead to dehyration, bowel problems, fatigue, ulcers, heart problems and even death. Purging (by self-induced vomiting, or using laxatives, diuretics, or enemas) begins as a way to control weight but becomes an uncontrollable habit. Bulimia suffers are very secretive and some of the symptoms are very subtle. Unlike anorexia sufferers, people with bulimia are more often normal weight or even overweight because they eat so much. It is important to know that 80% of bulimia patients are female and about 50% of people with anorexia also develop bulimia. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the signs of bulimia and help you determine if your child or someone you know may need professional help.
Binge Eating   Top
How can I tell if I or my child might be a binge eater?
Binge eating is a newly recognized eating disorder in which the sufferer has frequent episodes of compulsive overeating. Unlike anorexia and bulimia, binge eating disorder occurs almost as often in men as in women. Binge eating disorder can cause high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fatigue, joint pain, Type II diabetes, gallbladder disease, and heart disease. Do you think you may be or know a binge eater? Take this quick assessment to learn more about the symptoms of binge eating and help you determine whether you or your child might be a binge eater.
Eating Disorder   Free Calculator  Top
How can I tell if my child or someone I know might have an eating disorder?
An unhealthy relationship with food can lead to eating disorders, which have serious emotional and physical effects. Anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating are fairly well-known eating disorders, but some eating disorders don't fit into one of those categories. Some people severely restrict food intake without developing other symptoms of anorexia, some binge and purge on an irregular basis so it doesn't fit the symptoms of bulimia, and others may chew food then spit it out without swallowing. This assessment can help if your child or someone you know has suspicious eating behaviors, but they don't seem to have anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating or you're not sure which it may be. Answer these questions to learn more about the symptoms of eating disorders in general and help you determine whether your child or someone you know might suffer from an eating disorder.
Eating Disorder Contributor   Top
Am I contributing to my child's risk of developing an eating disorder?
As a parent, you may be contributing to your child's risk of developing an eating disorder. Answer these few questions to learn more about how parents may unknowingly contribute to a child's eating disorder and help you evaluate if you may need to modify some of your behaviors.
Healthy Body Image   Top
Do I have a healthy view of my body?
Girls as young as 9 years old report some dissatisfaction with their bodies and their body image tends to grow steadily worse as they get older. Girls tend to struggle with body image far more than boys. Most body image feelings will stay with a girl into womanhood. A girl's body image is influenced by peers, media, coaches, parents, siblings, or other family members. Parents influence their daughter's self-image when they comment on their own or someone else's body shape or size. This quick assessment can help you understand what it takes to have a healthy body image.