Parenting Teens Assessments
Teen Stress
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Does my teenager have symptoms of stress? |
Teenagers face stress for different reasons than adults. Teens may be stressed about things at home, like blended family issues, divorced parents, siblings, an alcoholic parent, an abusive home, or pressures from home. Teens also experience stress from school, like pressure from teachers, parents, or friends to to do well or peer pressure. Other teen stress factors may be worry about how to pay for college, how to afford to live on their own, or whether or not they can get a job after college. Whatever the reason, teen stress is real; in fact, many teens are under more stress than at any other stage of life. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the symptoms of teenage stress and help you determine whether or not your teen might be stressed out.
Teen Depression
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Does my teenager have symptoms of depression? |
Early symptoms of adolescent depression can be difficult to diagnose because they appear to be so normal for teenagers. Teenage depression isn't just bad moods and occasional melancholy. Depression limits a teenager's ability to function normally. Depression symptoms in teenagers may include a persistent sad mood, irritability, feelings of hopelessness, or the inability to be happy for a period of weeks, months, or even years. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the symptoms of teenage depression and help you determine whether or not your teen might suffer from depression.
Teen Suicide
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Is my teenager a suicide risk? |
Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15 to 24 year olds, and the sixth leading cause of death for 5 to 14 year olds. Teenagers feel tremendous stress, pressure, confusion, fear, and self-doubt, perhaps more than at any other stage of life. For some teens, suicide may appear to be the only solution to their problems. Some typical teenage behaviors (spending a lot of time in their room, moody, loses interest in hobbies or sports) are also warning signs of depression. And depression, if undetected or untreated, may lead to suicide. It is critical that parents take seriously any comment about suicide from a child or teenager (get a professional evaluation immediately, and begin talking with your child about their feelings). Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of teenage suicide and help you determine whether or not your teenager may be a suicide risk.
Teen Learning Disability
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Does my teenager have a learning disability? |
We usually expect learning disabilities to be detected long before a child becomes a teenager. Young children who actually have learning disabilities may not be diagnosed because the child is a conscientious student and simply worked hard or learned to cope. In middle or high school, it may get too difficult to continue working harder and longer than other students, so teenagers with undetected learning disabilities may eventually fall behind and give up. Some teens suffer from one particular type of learning disability, while others will have symptoms from a combination of areas. It can be more difficult to believe teenagers have a learning disability because they seem to do well in most subjects, so we think their trouble area is just 'not their thing'. Your teen can have normal or above normal intelligence and still suffer from a learning disability. Children should be able to succeed in every area taught in public schools. Otherwise, they may actually have a learning disability. This assessment can help you figure out which particular type or combination of learning disabilies your teen is showing symptoms in, so you can get help where it is needed most.
Separation Anxiety Disorder
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Does my child have symptoms of separation anxiety disorder? |
Do you feel like your child never wants to be away from you and seems stressed when you are separated? Maybe your child suffers from Separation Anxiety Disorder. Separation anxieties are normal for infants or toddlers. Separation Anxiety Disorder generally occurs in older children, still younger than 18. Studies show that Separation Anxiety Disorder is more common in girls and about 4% of children have it. Situations like moving to a different home, a death or illness in the family, or trauma increases the risk for a child developing Separation Anxiety Disorder. Early intervention, with therapy or medications, leads to a more successful recovery. Adults with unresolved Separation Anxiety Disorder tend to have difficulty moving for college or a job, getting married, or being separated from their spouse or children. Take this quick assessment to learn the symptoms of Separation Anxiety Disorder and help you determine if your child may suffer from it.These questions are adapted from the DSM-IV (the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition) diagnostic criteria for Separation Anxiety Disorder.
Alcohol Hangover
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Does my teenager have a hangover from using alcohol? |
Your teenager seems tired and sick a lot on the weekends. You're beginning to wonder if they're drinking the night before, but they tell you it's just from staying up too late. Frequent hangovers are a sign of alcohol abuse or alcoholism. (See our Teen Binge Drinking Assessment, our Teen Alcohol Abuse Assessment, or our Teen Alcoholism Assessment to learn more about teenagers and alcohol.) A teenager's brain is still developing rapidly, making them more susceptible to alcoholism than adults. It is important to identify teenage drinkers as early as possible and begin treatment so they will not have to struggle with alcohol problems their entire life. Take this quick assessment to learn the warning signs of an alcohol hangover and help you determine if your teenager may be drinking.
Teen Binge Drinking
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Is my teenager a binge drinker? |
Binge drinking is defined as having 4 (for women) or 5 (for men) drinks at one occasion. Drinking so much in such a short time creates a high concentration of alcohol in the body. When the blood-alcohol level becomes dangerously high it leads to alcohol poisoning, one of the most dangerous consequences of binge drinking. Alcohol poisoning can lead to brain damage or even death. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of teenage binge drinking and alcohol poisoning and help you determine whether or not your teenager may have a problem with binge drinking and/or alcohol poisoning.
Teen Alcohol Abuse
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Is my teenager using alcohol? |
Teenagers will abuse alcohol for many different reasons, but they all tend to exhibit many similar warning signs. It is important to identify teenager alocohol abusers early since alcohol abuse by teens quickly turns to binge drinking or alcoholism. (If your teen has many alcohol abuse warning signs, see our Teen Binge Drinking Assessment and Teen Alcoholism Assessment.) Take this quick assessment to learn the warning signs of teen alcohol abuse and help you distinguish between normal teen behavior and a possible problem with alcohol abuse.
Teen Alcoholism
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Is my teenager addicted to alcohol? |
Alcoholism is different than alcohol abuse. Drinking occasionally and the ability to contol drinking may indicate alcohol abuse but not alcoholism. Alcohol abuse turns to alcoholism when a person drinks so much that physical and mental functions are impaired and the person needs more and more alcohol to get the same effect. As the body develops a physical dependence to the alcohol the person will experience withdrawal symptoms (nausea, sweating, anxiety) when they try to stop drinking alcohol. Approximately 40% of teens who start drinking before age 15 will develop alcoholism at some point in their lives. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of teenage alcoholism and help you determine whether or not your child may have a problem with alcoholism.
Teen Drug Abuse
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Is my teenager using drugs? |
Some typical teenage behaviors (spending a lot of time in their room, moody, loses interest in hobbies or sports) are also warning signs of drug abuse. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of teenage drug abuse and help you determine whether or not your child may have a drug abuse problem.
Steroid Abuse
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Is my teenager using steroids? |
Anabolic steroids (also known as roids, juice, hype, or pump) are man-made substances used to build muscle. They are legally available only by prescription and would be prescribed for low testerone production or loss of lean muscle mass. People are abusing steroids to enhance performance, especially for sports, and to improve physique and appearance. Recent headlines about steroid abuse have focused on professional and Olympic athletes. But the most vulnerable abusers are probably our high school teens, trying to achieve the 'look' of their favorite athlete or actor. Americans are obsessed with body image, which leads teens to eating disorders, steroid abuse, and a lifelong struggle with low self-esteem. The side effects are numerous, including acne, depression, aggressive behavior ('roid rage'), stunted growth, liver damage or cancer, cardiovascular damage, and reproductive system damage. Boys who abuse steroids may also experience baldness, shrinking testicles, impotence, and irreversible breast enlargement. Girls abusing steroids is a growing problem. Female abusers develop more masculine characteristics including decreased breast size, deepened voice, excessive body hair growth, and loss of scalp hair. Anabolic steroids may be taken orally or injected, usually in on/off cycles of week or months. Steroids are easily found on the internet and, unfortunately, in some gyms. Your kids may get them from friends or even an obsessive coach. As if the dangers of anabolic steroid use are not enough, the danger is increased when many substances sold as anabolic steroids are contaminated, diluted, or simply fake. Answer these few questions to learn more about the signs of steroid abuse and help you determine if your teenager may be using steroids.
Inhalant Abuse
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Is my child 'sniffing' or 'huffing' inhalants like a drug? |
Inhalant abuse, also known as 'sniffing' or 'huffing', has decreased overall in recent years; however, it has increased among younger children. Inhalants are one of the first drugs that many children try, mainly because they are free or cheap and found in every home. Inhalants commonly found around the house include solvents, gasoline, airplane or model glue, rubber cement, correction fluid, felt-tip markers, spray paint, hairspray, nail polish remover, paint thinner, spot removers, degreasers, and vegetable cooking spray. Other gases such as butane, helium, nitrous oxide, and propane can also be abused. Inhalant abuse can cause memory loss, permanent brain damage, and even death. Answer these few questions to learn more about the warning signs of inhalant abuse and help you determine if your child may be 'sniffing' or 'huffing'.
Teen Smoker
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Is my teenager smoking? |
Cigarettes and tobacco are probably the drugs most available to teenagers. Since tobacco is a gateway drug, teens who smoke are much more likely to try stronger drugs, including marijuana, cocaine, and heavy drinking. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of teenage smoking and help you determine whether or not your child may be smoking.
Substance Abuse Vulnerability
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Is this child vulnerable to substance abuse? |
Children will abuse drugs, alcohol, or other substances for many reasons and every child is susceptible to abusing substances. Some, however, are at more risk than others. How can you tell if a child you know has a high vulnerability to abusing drugs or alcohol? Take this quick assessment to learn more about the characteristics of children who are highly vulnerable to substance abuse and help you determine if a child you know may be at risk to develop substance abuse.
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How can I tell if I, my child, or someone I know might have anorexia? |
Messages are all around us of the benefits of a healthy diet and regular exercise. Advice on how to do that is also readily available. However, an obsession with losing weight and exercising can lead to anorexia. The emotional and physical consequences are serious. A person with anorexia does not realize the dangers (including hair loss, fatigue and weakness, dehydration, weakened immune system, heart trouble, even death) of denying food to their body. It's also important to know that about 50% of people with anorexia also develop bulimia. (See our Bulimia Assessment for help if you think you or a loved one may have bulimia.) Answer these few questions to learn more about the signs of anorexia and help you determine if your child or someone you know may have anorexia.
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How can I tell if my child or someone I know might have bulimia? |
Purging seems like an easy way to control weight. 'Eat anything you want, as much as you want, and never gain an ounce! Just get rid of the calories consumed.' Unfortunately, more than just calories are expelled during purging. The loss of potassium and other necessary minerals from purging can lead to dehyration, bowel problems, fatigue, ulcers, heart problems and even death. Purging (by self-induced vomiting, or using laxatives, diuretics, or enemas) begins as a way to control weight but becomes an uncontrollable habit. Bulimia suffers are very secretive and some of the symptoms are very subtle. Unlike anorexia sufferers, people with bulimia are more often normal weight or even overweight because they eat so much. It is important to know that 80% of bulimia patients are female and about 50% of people with anorexia also develop bulimia. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the signs of bulimia and help you determine if your child or someone you know may need professional help.
Binge Eating
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How can I tell if I or my child might be a binge eater? |
Binge eating is a newly recognized eating disorder in which the sufferer has frequent episodes of compulsive overeating. Unlike anorexia and bulimia, binge eating disorder occurs almost as often in men as in women. Binge eating disorder can cause high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fatigue, joint pain, Type II diabetes, gallbladder disease, and heart disease. Do you think you may be or know a binge eater? Take this quick assessment to learn more about the symptoms of binge eating and help you determine whether you or your child might be a binge eater.
Eating Disorder
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How can I tell if my child or someone I know might have an eating disorder? |
An unhealthy relationship with food can lead to eating disorders, which have serious emotional and physical effects. Anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating are fairly well-known eating disorders, but some eating disorders don't fit into one of those categories. Some people severely restrict food intake without developing other symptoms of anorexia, some binge and purge on an irregular basis so it doesn't fit the symptoms of bulimia, and others may chew food then spit it out without swallowing. This assessment can help if your child or someone you know has suspicious eating behaviors, but they don't seem to have anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating or you're not sure which it may be. Answer these questions to learn more about the symptoms of eating disorders in general and help you determine whether your child or someone you know might suffer from an eating disorder.
Eating Disorder Contributor
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Am I contributing to my child's risk of developing an eating disorder? |
As a parent, you may be contributing to your child's risk of developing an eating disorder. Answer these few questions to learn more about how parents may unknowingly contribute to a child's eating disorder and help you evaluate if you may need to modify some of your behaviors.
Healthy Body Image
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Do I have a healthy view of my body? |
Girls as young as 9 years old report some dissatisfaction with their bodies and their body image tends to grow steadily worse as they get older. Girls tend to struggle with body image far more than boys. Most body image feelings will stay with a girl into womanhood. A girl's body image is influenced by peers, media, coaches, parents, siblings, or other family members. Parents influence their daughter's self-image when they comment on their own or someone else's body shape or size. This quick assessment can help you understand what it takes to have a healthy body image.
Teen Cell Phone Addict
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Is my teenager addicted to a cell phone? |
Addiction is evident when an obsession with something disrupts the more important things in life, like personal relationships, schooling, or jobs. People can become addicted to pretty much anything, and teens are especially vulnerable to addictions, whether behavior or substance addictions. Teenagers who are shy and have low self-esteem are more likely to become cellular addicts because, with text messaging, you can make 'texting friends' that you never actually have to meet, very much like internet chatting. The cell phone has been dubbed 'the new cigarette' and 'one of the biggest non-drug addictions of the 21st century.' Mobile phones are a status symbol for teenagers, where the person who gets the most messages is the most popular. The good news is that as teen cell phone use has increased, teen smoking has decreased. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of mobile phone addiction and help you determine whether or not your teenager may be a cell phone addict.
Teen Internet Addict
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Is my teenager addicted to the internet? |
Addiction is evident when an obsession with something disrupts the more important things in life, like personal relationships, schooling, or jobs. People can become addicted to pretty much anything, and teens are especially vulnerable to addictions, whether behavior or substance addictions. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of internet addiction and help you determine whether or not your teenager may be addicted to the internet.
Tanning Addict
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Am I addicted to tanning? |
Love that 'healthy' glow that a tan gives you? Research proves that there is nothing healthy about that tan that looks so good. A recent study by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a branch of the World Health Organization (WHO), leaves no doubt about the dangers of tanning. People who first use sunbeds in their teens or twenties increase their risk of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer by an astounding 75 percent! The study also shows youth who tan also increase their risk of squamous cell carcinoma, the second most common skin cancer. Other health problems associated with tanning include a decrease in the skin's immune response, an increase in eye cataracts and cancers, and the premature aging of the skin. Skin aging caused by sun exposure or tanning beds can be seen in tanners in their 20's, including wrinkles and age spots (dark patches of skin). According to Peter Boyle, MD, Director of the IARC, the study found no positive health effects from sunbed tanning, contradicting what the $5 billion tanning salon industry has used as its main selling point. Dr. Boyle recommends, and some communities are taking action, restricting access to tanning salons by minors and young adults. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of tanning addiction and help you determine if you or someone you care about may be a tanning addict.
Bullied Teen
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Is my teenager being bullied? |
Nearly half of all children are bullied at some time during their school years and 10% are bullied on a regular basis. Bullies often choose children who are passive, easily intimidated, or have few friends. Victims are often smaller or younger and have a hard time defending themselves. Bullying interferes with the victim's social and emotional development, school performance, and many victim's think about suicide. If you are concerned that your child may be victim of bullying, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if the child may need help.
Teen Bully
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Is my teenager a bully? |
Bullies thrive on controlling or dominating others. Bullying behavior can be physical or verbal. Boys tend to use physical intimidation or threats, while girls tend to bully other girls and the bullying is more often verbal. Bullies may be depressed, angry, or upset about school or home situations and have often been victims of physical abuse or bullying themselves. Bully behavior needs immediate intervention from a doctor, teacher, principal, or school counselor. Without intervention, bullying can lead to serious academic, social, emotional and legal difficulties. If you are concerned that a teenager you know may be a bully, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if the teen may be a bully.
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I feel harassed during the internet communications from someone, am I being cyberbullied? |
Cyberbullies use the internet, email, instant messaging, or text messaging to harass another person. A cyberbully may be someone you actually know or it could be someone you have only met online. The best way to protect against cyberbullying is to ignore any communications from the bully, use e-mail and internet filtering software, only allow instant messages from people you have set up on your list, and protect your identity and personal information while using the internet. If you are concerned that you or your child may be communicating with a cyberbully, take this quick assessment to learn more about the signs of cyberbullying and help you determine if you or your child may be a victim.
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I'm uncomfortable about the internet communications from someone, am I being cyberstalked? |
Cyberstalkers use internet, email, instant messaging, or text messaging to stalk another person. Cyberstalking is serious even if there is no physical stalking. Laws regarding cyberstalking are usually weak, so you must take precautions to protect yourself. The best way to protect against cyberstalking is to ignore any communications from the stalker. Cyberstalking sometimes advances to physical stalking and violence, so be extra cautious to protect your identity while online. If you are concerned about a potential cyberstalker, take this quick assessment to learn more about the signs of cyberstalking and help you determine if you may be a victim.
Cyber Pedophile
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Is my child being contacted by a cyber pedophile? |
The internet is the new playground or schoolyard where pedophiles go to meet children. Cyber pedophiles almost always have a history of sexual conduct with children and now use chat rooms to contact children directly. Cyber pedophiles usually have interest in child pornography or sexual urges and fantasies with children. The legal system has seen an alarming increase in the number of pedophiles over the past several years. Statistics show that 1 in 5 children who use computer chat rooms have been approached by a pedophile and 1 in 7 kids who use the internet have been solicited for sex online. Law enforcement officials estimate as many as 50,000 sexual predators are online at any given moment. 'We go out and do live demonstrations and it will amaze you. We will pose and log as a 14, 15, 16-year-old boy or girl. Just by being there, it will only take minutes, less than five, and we'll probably be solicited,' said Ada County Sheriff Gary Raney. If you are concerned that you or your child may be communicating with a cyber pedophile, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if your child may be a victim.
Pedophile Grooming
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Is my child being groomed by a pedophile? |
The FBI estimates that there is one child molester per square mile in the United States. The majority of molested children are victimized by family members, close relatives or people who have easy access to them. Is your child being groomed by a pedophile? Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of pedophile grooming and help you determine if your child may need help.
Gang Involvement
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Is my teenager involved with a gang? |
A gang is a group of teens and young adults that hang out together and initiate violent, illegal, or criminal activity. They usually have a name and/or symbol. They often choose to wear a certain style or color of clothing. Many people think of gangs as just an inner-city problem. That is clearly not the case any more, with more than 24,500 different youth gangs around the country, counting more than 772,500 teens and young adults as members. In the 1970’s, gangs were active in less than half the states, but now every state reports youth gang activity, including smaller cities, towns, and rural areas. Youth gangs are responsible for much of the serious violence in the United States and pose one of the greatest threats to the safety and security of average Americans. Teen gang members are much more likely to commit serious and violent crimes than other teens. A survey in Denver found that while only 14% of teens were gang members, they were responsible for committing 89% of the serious violent crimes. Teens join gangs for a number of reasons (excitement, money, prestige, protection, or acceptance) but joining a gang is dangerous. Violence between gangs is common, and gang members are at least 60 times more likely to be killed than the rest of the population. Few teens are forced to join gangs; teens can usually refuse to join without fear of retaliation. For most teens, gang membership is a brief phase. One-half to two-thirds of teen gang members leave the gang by the end of their first year. You can help slow the spread of gang violence by learning what a gang is, what the signs of gang involvement and gang activity are. If you are concerned that your teenager may be involved with a gang, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if your child may truly be getting into gang activity.
Daughter's Abusive Relationship
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Is my daughter in an abusive relationship? |
Teenage abusive relationships are on the rise. Many teenager girls are finding themselves in relationships that are controlling, manipulative, or even physicially abusive. And some research shows that as many as 98% of these teenage girls continue to date their abuser. If you are concerned about your daughter's relationship, take this short assessment to learn more about the signs of an abusive relationship and help you determine if your daughter's relationship may be abusive.
Physical Child Abuse
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Is this child a victim of physical abuse? |
Any nonaccidental physical injury caused by a child's caretaker is, by definition, physical abuse (even if the injury was not intentional). Physical abuse may result from extreme discipline or from overly harsh punishment by a parent or other caretaker who lacks self-control during stress or while using alcohol or drugs. Physical abuse can also result when a child is intentionally burned, beaten, kicked, punched, bitten, or any other action that could cause injury. Normal childhood injuries and bruises typically occur to the knees, elbows, forearms, or brows. Soft tissue areas, such as cheeks, buttocks, or thighs are not often injured during normal play. Also, bruises that happen during normal play are rarely in distinct shapes, like a hand, belt buckle, or adult teeth marks. You have probably already seen physical signs that have you concerned that the child may be abused, so this assessment focuses on the behavioral signs that may support suspicions of abuse. If you are concerned that a child you know may be physically abused, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if the child may be abused.
Sexual Child Abuse
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Is this child a victim of sexual abuse? |
Unlike physical abuse, there are often no obvious outward signs of child sexual abuse. However, the long-term emotional and psychological damage of sexual abuse can be devastating to the child. A sexually abused child can develop a number of disturbing feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Some sexually abused children become child abusers themselves, prostitutes, or have other serious problems as adults. It is important to be able to detect and help an abused child get the treatment that can reduce the risk that the child will develop these serious problems later in life. If you are concerned that a child you know may be a victim of sexual abuse, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if the child may be abused.
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Do I have a symptoms of diabetes? |
A person with diabetes has too much glucose (sugar) in the blood and not enough in the body's cells. The symptoms of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are similar. With Type 1 diabetes, the body stops producing insulin, creating high glucose levels, because the insulin producing cells have been destroyed. In Type 2 diabetes, the body's cells become resistant to the insulin that is being produced. Either way, your body sends out warning signs or symptoms to let you know your cells aren't getting the glucose they need. Parents often 'overdiagnose' diabetes in their children. Just drinking a lot or dry, itchy skin alone is not a strong indicator of diabetes, but when combined with other diabetes symptoms may be cause for concern. Take this quick assessment to learn the symptoms of diabetes and help you determine if you or your child may have diabetes.
Seasonal Allergies
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Do I have seasonal allergies? |
Spring allergies are the most common as trees, flowers, and weeds grow and pollenating bees are busy. Fall is the second common allergy season, with different plants blooming and molds are more active. People who are allergic to the spring and fall pollens also tend to be sensitive to indoor irritants like dust mites, animal dander, and molds, often leading to year-round allergy symptoms. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of seasonal allergies and help you determine if you or your child suffers from seasonal allergies.
Food Allergy
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Am I allergic to certain foods? |
About 1.5% of adults and up to 6% of children under age 3 in the U.S. (or about 4 million people) have a true food allergy. It usually isn't a 'new' food that causes an allergic reaction. People often develop an allergy to a food he/she has eaten many times. The most common food allergies in children are eggs, milk, peanuts, soy and wheat. Children typically outgrow their allergies to milk, eggs, soy, and wheat. Children usually will not outgrow allergies to peanuts, tree nuts, fish, or shrimp. The most common foods to cause allergies in adults are shrimp, lobster, crab and other shellfish, peanuts, walnuts, and other tree nuts, fish, and eggs. Unlike children, adults do not usually 'outgrow' or lose their food allergies. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of food allergies and help you determine if you or your child is allergic to certain foods.
Childhood Brain Tumor
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Does my child have symptoms of a brain tumor? |
A brain tumor is any growth of abnormal cells or the uncontrolled growth of cells in the brain. The tumor may originate in the brain (primary brain tumor) or spread to the brain from another part of the body. Tumors can directly destroy brain cells or they can damage cells indirectly by causing inflammation and compressing other parts of the brain as the tumor grows, by causing the brain to swell (edema), or by causing pressure inside the skull. The cause of primary brain tumors is unknown, but some tumors tend to be hereditary while others are congenital and were present before birth. The symptoms of brain tumors depend on tumor size, type, and location. Bad headaches and vomiting are symptoms with many common causes, but when combined with any of the other brain tumor symptoms increases the possibility of a brain tumor. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of brain tumors in children and help you determine if your child should be evaluated for a possible brain tumor.
Early Pregnancy
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Could I be pregnant? |
Wondering if you're pregnant? The symptoms of pregnancy are not the same for every woman. In fact, your own symptoms may be different from one pregnancy to another. Pregnancy symptoms can also vary in their intensity, frequency and duration. Many of the earliest pregnancy symptoms are very similar to routine pre-menstrual discomforts. The symptoms in this assessment are in no particular order, but answer these few questions to learn more about what to expect very early during pregnancy and help you determine if you may be pregnant.
College Readiness
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Is my teen or young adult ready for college? |
Is your teenager or young adult ready for college? What skills are necessary to make the college experience more enjoyable and more successful? Take this quick assessment to learn the skills your young adult will need to easily make the transition to college.