Auto Calculators Group
Calculate monthly payments, total interest, and total paid for auto loans and leases. Compare payments for different loan amounts, down payments, rates, or lengths. Find out if you should buy or lease your next car. Find out what price car you can afford. Also, find out how to pay your loan off early or how much you still owe on your existing loan, and MORE!
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<br><b>Auto Calculators Group</b><br>
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//Auto Payment
function AutoPayment()
{'', '_blank', 'width=525,height=745,directories=0,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,status=0,toolbar=0');
//Auto Payment Comparison
function CompareAutoPayments()
{'', '_blank', 'width=730,height=715,directories=0,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,status=0,toolbar=0');
//Auto Affordability
function AutoAffordability()
{'', '_blank', 'width=500,height=625,directories=0,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,status=0,toolbar=0');
//Auto Loan Early Payoff
function LoanEarlyPayoff()
{'', '_blank', 'width=500,height=575,directories=0,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,status=0,toolbar=0');
//Existing Auto Loan Payoff
function ExistingLoanPayoff()
{'', '_blank', 'width=530,height=595,directories=0,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,status=0,toolbar=0');
//Existing Auto Loan Analysis
function ExistingLoanAnalysis()
{'', '_blank', 'width=575,height=595,directories=0,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,status=0,toolbar=0');
//Auto Lease Payment
function LeasePayment()
{'', '_blank', 'width=550,height=775,directories=0,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,status=0,toolbar=0');
//Auto Lease Payment Comparison
function CompareLeasePayments()
{'', '_blank', 'width=700,height=790,directories=0,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,status=0,toolbar=0');
//Lease Mileage
function LeaseMileage()
{'', '_blank', 'width=520,height=560,directories=0,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,status=0,toolbar=0');
//Auto Lease vs Loan
function LeaseVsLoan()
{'', '_blank', 'width=650,height=805,directories=0,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,status=0,toolbar=0');
<a href="javascript:AutoPayment();">Auto Payment</a><br>
<a href="javascript:CompareAutoPayments();">Auto Payment Comparison</a><br>
<a href="javascript:AutoAffordability();">Auto Affordability</a><br>
<a href="javascript:LoanEarlyPayoff();">Auto Loan Early Payoff</a><br>
<a href="javascript:ExistingLoanPayoff();">Existing Auto Loan Payoff</a><br>
<a href="javascript:ExistingLoanAnalysis();">Existing Auto Loan Analysis</a><br>
<i>Auto Lease Calculators</i><br>
<a href="javascript:LeasePayment();">Auto Lease Payment</a><br>
<a href="javascript:CompareLeasePayments();">Auto Lease Payment Comparison</a><br>
<a href="javascript:LeaseMileage();">Lease Mileage</a><br>
<a href="javascript:LeaseVsLoan();">Auto Lease vs Loan</a><br>
<a href='' style='font-size: 8pt;'>Online Calculators - Financial Calculators, Health Calculators, and Health Assessments from</a><br>
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Auto Calculators Group
Auto Payment Calculator view |
<iframe src="" width="525" height="745" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"><a href="" target="_blank">Auto Payment Calculator</a></iframe>
<a href='' style='font-size: 8pt;'>Online Calculators - Financial Calculators, Health Calculators, and Health Assessments from</a><br>
Auto Payment Comparison Calculator view |
<iframe src="" width="730" height="715" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"><a href="" target="_blank">Auto Payment Comparison Calculator</a></iframe>
<a href='' style='font-size: 8pt;'>Online Calculators - Financial Calculators, Health Calculators, and Health Assessments from</a><br>
Auto Affordability Calculator view |
<iframe src="" width="500" height="625" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"><a href="" target="_blank">Auto Affordability Calculator</a></iframe>
<a href='' style='font-size: 8pt;'>Online Calculators - Financial Calculators, Health Calculators, and Health Assessments from</a><br>
Auto Loan Early Payoff Calculator view |
<iframe src="" width="500" height="575" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"><a href="" target="_blank">Auto Loan Early Payoff Calculator</a></iframe>
<a href='' style='font-size: 8pt;'>Online Calculators - Financial Calculators, Health Calculators, and Health Assessments from</a><br>
Existing Auto Loan Payoff Calculator view |
<iframe src="" width="530" height="595" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"><a href="" target="_blank">Existing Auto Loan Payoff Calculator</a></iframe>
<a href='' style='font-size: 8pt;'>Online Calculators - Financial Calculators, Health Calculators, and Health Assessments from</a><br>
Existing Auto Loan Analysis Calculator view |
<iframe src="" width="575" height="595" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"><a href="" target="_blank">Existing Auto Loan Analysis Calculator</a></iframe>
<a href='' style='font-size: 8pt;'>Online Calculators - Financial Calculators, Health Calculators, and Health Assessments from</a><br>
Auto Lease Payment Calculator view |
<iframe src="" width="550" height="775" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"><a href="" target="_blank">Auto Lease Payment Calculator</a></iframe>
<a href='' style='font-size: 8pt;'>Online Calculators - Financial Calculators, Health Calculators, and Health Assessments from</a><br>
Auto Lease Payment Comparison Calculator view |
<iframe src="" width="700" height="790" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"><a href="" target="_blank">Auto Lease Payment Comparison Calculator</a></iframe>
<a href='' style='font-size: 8pt;'>Online Calculators - Financial Calculators, Health Calculators, and Health Assessments from</a><br>
Lease Mileage Calculator view |
<iframe src="" width="520" height="560" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"><a href="" target="_blank">Lease Mileage Calculator</a></iframe>
<a href='' style='font-size: 8pt;'>Online Calculators - Financial Calculators, Health Calculators, and Health Assessments from</a><br>
Auto Lease vs Loan Calculator view |
<iframe src="" width="650" height="805" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"><a href="" target="_blank">Auto Lease vs Loan Calculator</a></iframe>
<a href='' style='font-size: 8pt;'>Online Calculators - Financial Calculators, Health Calculators, and Health Assessments from</a><br>
Customizable Field Values
You can customize the following field values for this calculator. When the calculator runs it will have
the values you set for these fields. It is important to use your Account Number instead of 1
as shown in this example.
Auto Calculators Group
Auto Payment Calculator's Customizable Fields |
Screen Name |
Parm Name |
Parm Value Used in this Example |
Title |
Title |
Mr. & Mrs. O'Riley |
Lender |
Lender |
AAA Money Lenders |
Vehicle Price |
Price |
27,000.00 |
Sales Tax % |
SalesTaxPct |
6.25 |
Sales Tax Amount |
SalesTax |
1,687.50 |
Other Financed Charges |
OtherCharges |
775.00 |
Cash Down Payment |
DownPmt |
500.00 |
Trade-In Value |
TradeIn |
1,950.00 |
Dealer Rebate |
Rebate |
600.00 |
Interest Rate |
IntRate |
8.9 |
Length of Loan |
Length |
72 |
Years/Months (drop-down) |
LengthPrd |
Months |
Additional Principal |
AddPrin |
50.00 |
View Customized Calculator
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
//Auto Payment
function AutoPayment()
{'' + 'Title=Mr. %26 Mrs. O%27Riley&Lender=AAA Money Lenders&Price=27,000.00&' + 'SalesTaxPct=6.25&SalesTax=1,687.50&OtherCharges=775.00&DownPmt=500.00&' + 'TradeIn=1,950.00&Rebate=600.00&IntRate=8.9&Length=72&LengthPrd=Months&' + 'AddPrin=50.00',
<a href="javascript:AutoPayment();">Auto Payment</a><br>
<a href='' style='font-size: 8pt;'>Online Calculators - Financial Calculators, Health Calculators, and Health Assessments from</a><br>
Auto Payment Comparison Calculator's Customizable Fields |
Screen Name |
Parm Name |
Parm Value Used in this Example |
Title |
Title |
Mr. & Mrs. O'Riley |
Lender (column 1) |
Lender |
AAA Money Lenders |
Lender (column 2) |
Lender2 |
BBB Money Lenders |
Lender (column 3) |
Lender3 |
CCC Money Lenders |
Lender (column 4) |
Lender4 |
DDD Money Lenders |
Vehicle Price (column 1) |
Price |
27,000.00 |
Vehicle Price (column 2) |
Price2 |
28,000.00 |
Vehicle Price (column 3) |
Price3 |
29,000.00 |
Vehicle Price (column 4) |
Price4 |
30,000.00 |
Sales Tax % |
SalesTaxPct |
6.25 |
Sales Tax Amount (column 1) |
SalesTax |
1,687.50 |
Sales Tax Amount (column 2) |
SalesTax2 |
1,750.00 |
Sales Tax Amount (column 3) |
SalesTax3 |
1,812.50 |
Sales Tax Amount (column 4) |
SalesTax4 |
1,875.00 |
Other Financed Charges (column 1) |
OtherCharges |
775.00 |
Other Financed Charges (column 2) |
OtherCharges2 |
675.00 |
Other Financed Charges (column 3) |
OtherCharges3 |
575.00 |
Other Financed Charges (column 4) |
OtherCharges4 |
475.00 |
Cash Down Payment (column 1) |
DownPmt |
500.00 |
Cash Down Payment (column 2) |
DownPmt2 |
400.00 |
Cash Down Payment (column 3) |
DownPmt3 |
300.00 |
Cash Down Payment (column 4) |
DownPmt4 |
200.00 |
Trade-In Value (column 1) |
TradeIn |
1,950.00 |
Trade-In Value (column 2) |
TradeIn2 |
2,000.00 |
Trade-In Value (column 3) |
TradeIn3 |
2,200.00 |
Trade-In Value (column 4) |
TradeIn4 |
2,500.00 |
Dealer Rebate (column 1) |
Rebate |
600.00 |
Dealer Rebate (column 2) |
Rebate2 |
700.00 |
Dealer Rebate (column 3) |
Rebate3 |
800.00 |
Dealer Rebate (column 4) |
Rebate4 |
900.00 |
Interest Rate (column 1) |
IntRate |
8.9 |
Interest Rate (column 2) |
IntRate2 |
7.9 |
Interest Rate (column 3) |
IntRate3 |
6.9 |
Interest Rate (column 4) |
IntRate4 |
5.9 |
Length of Loan (column 1) |
Length |
72 |
Length of Loan (column 2) |
Length2 |
78 |
Length of Loan (column 3) |
Length3 |
66 |
Length of Loan (column 4) |
Length4 |
48 |
Years/Months (drop-down) |
LengthPrd |
Months |
Additional Principal (column 1) |
AddPrin |
50.00 |
Additional Principal (column 2) |
AddPrin2 |
100.00 |
Additional Principal (column 3) |
AddPrin3 |
150.00 |
Additional Principal (column 4) |
AddPrin4 |
200.00 |
View Customized Calculator
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
//Auto Payment Comparison
function CompareAutoPayments()
{'' + 'Title=Mr. %26 Mrs. O%27Riley&Lender=AAA Money Lenders&Lender2=BBB Money Lenders&' + 'Lender3=CCC Money Lenders&Lender4=DDD Money Lenders&Price=27,000.00&' + 'Price2=28,000.00&Price3=29,000.00&Price4=30,000.00&SalesTaxPct=6.25&' + 'SalesTax=1,687.50&SalesTax2=1,750.00&SalesTax3=1,812.50&SalesTax4=1,875.00&' + 'OtherCharges=775.00&OtherCharges2=675.00&OtherCharges3=575.00&' + 'OtherCharges4=475.00&DownPmt=500.00&DownPmt2=400.00&DownPmt3=300.00&' + 'DownPmt4=200.00&TradeIn=1,950.00&TradeIn2=2,000.00&TradeIn3=2,200.00&' + 'TradeIn4=2,500.00&Rebate=600.00&Rebate2=700.00&Rebate3=800.00&Rebate4=900.00&' + 'IntRate=8.9&IntRate2=7.9&IntRate3=6.9&IntRate4=5.9&Length=72&Length2=78&' + 'Length3=66&Length4=48&LengthPrd=Months&AddPrin=50.00&AddPrin2=100.00&' + 'AddPrin3=150.00&AddPrin4=200.00',
<a href="javascript:CompareAutoPayments();">Auto Payment Comparison</a><br>
<a href='' style='font-size: 8pt;'>Online Calculators - Financial Calculators, Health Calculators, and Health Assessments from</a><br>
Auto Affordability Calculator's Customizable Fields |
Screen Name |
Parm Name |
Parm Value Used in this Example |
Title |
Title |
Mr. & Mrs. O'Riley |
Maximum Monthly Payment |
PmtAmt |
400.00 |
Sales Tax % |
SalesTaxPct |
6.25 |
Other Financed Charges |
OtherCharges |
775.00 |
Cash Down Payment |
DownPmt |
500.00 |
Trade-In Value |
TradeIn |
1,950.00 |
Dealer Rebate |
Rebate |
600.00 |
Interest Rate |
IntRate |
8.9 |
Length of Loan |
Length |
72 |
Years/Months (drop-down) |
LengthPrd |
Months |
View Customized Calculator
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
//Auto Affordability
function AutoAffordability()
{'' + 'Title=Mr. %26 Mrs. O%27Riley&PmtAmt=400.00&SalesTaxPct=6.25&OtherCharges=775.00&' + 'DownPmt=500.00&TradeIn=1,950.00&Rebate=600.00&IntRate=8.9&Length=72&' + 'LengthPrd=Months',
<a href="javascript:AutoAffordability();">Auto Affordability</a><br>
<a href='' style='font-size: 8pt;'>Online Calculators - Financial Calculators, Health Calculators, and Health Assessments from</a><br>
Auto Loan Early Payoff Calculator's Customizable Fields |
Screen Name |
Parm Name |
Parm Value Used in this Example |
Title |
Title |
Mr. & Mrs. O'Riley |
Lender |
Lender |
AAA Money Lenders |
Loan Balance |
LoanAmt |
30,000.00 |
Monthly Payment |
PmtAmt |
428.69 |
Interest Rate |
IntRate |
11.9 |
Payoff Time - Years |
PaidOffYears |
6 |
Payoff Time - Months |
PaidOffMonths |
3 |
View Customized Calculator
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
//Auto Loan Early Payoff
function LoanEarlyPayoff()
{'' + 'Title=Mr. %26 Mrs. O%27Riley&Lender=AAA Money Lenders&LoanAmt=30,000.00&' + 'PmtAmt=428.69&IntRate=11.9&PaidOffYears=6&PaidOffMonths=3',
<a href="javascript:LoanEarlyPayoff();">Auto Loan Early Payoff</a><br>
<a href='' style='font-size: 8pt;'>Online Calculators - Financial Calculators, Health Calculators, and Health Assessments from</a><br>
Existing Auto Loan Payoff Calculator's Customizable Fields |
Screen Name |
Parm Name |
Parm Value Used in this Example |
Title |
Title |
Mr. & Mrs. O'Riley |
Lender |
Lender |
AAA Money Lenders |
Loan Balance |
LoanBal |
141,370.00 |
Interest Rate |
IntRate |
6.25 |
Monthly Payment |
MonthlyPmt |
966.80 |
Additional Principal |
AddlMonthlyPmt |
376.01 |
View Customized Calculator
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
//Existing Auto Loan Payoff
function ExistingLoanPayoff()
{'' + 'Title=Mr. %26 Mrs. O%27Riley&Lender=AAA Money Lenders&LoanBal=141,370.00&' + 'IntRate=6.25&MonthlyPmt=966.80&AddlMonthlyPmt=376.01',
<a href="javascript:ExistingLoanPayoff();">Existing Auto Loan Payoff</a><br>
<a href='' style='font-size: 8pt;'>Online Calculators - Financial Calculators, Health Calculators, and Health Assessments from</a><br>
Existing Auto Loan Analysis Calculator's Customizable Fields |
Screen Name |
Parm Name |
Parm Value Used in this Example |
Title |
Title |
Mr. & Mrs. O'Riley |
Lender |
Lender |
AAA Money Lenders |
Loan Balance |
LoanBal |
141,370.00 |
Interest Rate |
IntRate |
6.25 |
Length of Loan |
Length |
360 |
Years/Months (drop-down) |
LengthPrd |
Months |
Monthly Payment |
MonthlyPmt |
966.80 |
View Customized Calculator
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
//Existing Auto Loan Analysis
function ExistingLoanAnalysis()
{'' + 'Title=Mr. %26 Mrs. O%27Riley&Lender=AAA Money Lenders&LoanBal=141,370.00&' + 'IntRate=6.25&Length=360&LengthPrd=Months&MonthlyPmt=966.80',
<a href="javascript:ExistingLoanAnalysis();">Existing Auto Loan Analysis</a><br>
<a href='' style='font-size: 8pt;'>Online Calculators - Financial Calculators, Health Calculators, and Health Assessments from</a><br>
Auto Lease Payment Calculator's Customizable Fields |
Screen Name |
Parm Name |
Parm Value Used in this Example |
Title |
Title |
Mr. & Mrs. O'Riley |
Vehicle or Leasing Co. Name |
Name |
Corvette Convertible (AAA Money Lenders) |
Vehicle MSRP |
52,190.00 |
Vehicle MSRP - Lookup Link (no icon if blank) |
LinkMSRP | |
Negotiated Price |
Price |
50,300.00 |
Negotiated Price - Lookup Link (no icon when blank) |
LinkInvAmt |
Down Payment |
DownPmt |
500.00 |
Trade-In Value |
TradeIn |
1,950.00 |
Trade-In Value - Lookup Link (no icon if blank) |
LinkTradeIn | |
Dealer Rebate |
Rebates |
600.00 |
Dealer Rebate - Lookup Link (no icon if blank) |
LinkRebates | |
Other Reductions |
OthReduct |
1,000.00 |
Total Cost Reductions (use when no Cost Reduction detail) |
CostReduct |
4,050.00 |
Trade-In Loan Balance |
TradeInBal |
0.00 |
Tags/Plates |
Tags |
250.00 |
Title Fee |
TitleFee |
185.00 |
Registration Fee |
Reg |
275.00 |
Lease Acquisition Fee |
AcquiFee |
700.00 |
Insurance Costs |
Ins |
335.00 |
Extended Warranty |
ExtWarr |
2,325.00 |
Other Costs |
OthCosts |
200.00 |
Total Financed Add-on Costs (use when no Financed Add-on Costs detail) |
AddOnCosts |
4,270.00 |
Length of Lease |
Length |
3 |
Years/Months (drop-down) |
LengthPrd |
Years |
Money Factor |
MoneyFactor |
0 |
Money Factor - Lookup Link (no icon if blank) |
LinkMoneyF | |
New Car Interest Rate |
IntRate |
6.5 |
New Car Interest Rate - Lookup Link (no icon if blank) |
LinkIntRate | |
Residual Value |
ResValue |
0 |
Residual Value - Lookup Link (no icon if blank) |
LinkRes | |
Percent of MSRP |
ResPct |
54 |
Sales Tax % |
SalesTaxPct |
6.25 |
Sales Tax Maximum |
SalesTaxMax |
1,500.00 |
View Customized Calculator
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
//Auto Lease Payment
function LeasePayment()
{'' + 'Title=Mr. %26 Mrs. O%27Riley&Name=Corvette Convertible (AAA Money Lenders)&' + 'MSRP=52,190.00&LinkMSRP=,300.00&LinkInvAmt=&' + 'DownPmt=500.00&TradeIn=1,950.00&' + 'LinkTradeIn=' + 'LinkRebates=' + 'OthReduct=1,000.00&CostReduct=4,050.00&TradeInBal=0.00&Tags=250.00&' + 'TitleFee=185.00&Reg=275.00&AcquiFee=700.00&Ins=335.00&ExtWarr=2,325.00&' + 'OthCosts=200.00&AddOnCosts=4,270.00&Length=3&LengthPrd=Years&MoneyFactor=0&' + 'LinkMoneyF=' + 'LinkIntRate=' + 'LinkRes=' + 'SalesTaxMax=1,500.00',
<a href="javascript:LeasePayment();">Auto Lease Payment</a><br>
<a href='' style='font-size: 8pt;'>Online Calculators - Financial Calculators, Health Calculators, and Health Assessments from</a><br>
Auto Lease Payment Comparison Calculator's Customizable Fields |
Screen Name |
Parm Name |
Parm Value Used in this Example |
Title |
Title |
Mr. & Mrs. O'Riley |
Vehicle or Leasing Co. Name (column 1) |
Name |
Corvette Convertible (AAA Money Lenders) |
Vehicle or Leasing Co. Name (column 2) |
Name2 |
Corvette Convertible (BBB Money Lenders) |
Vehicle or Leasing Co. Name (column 3) |
Name3 |
Corvette Convertible (CCC Money Lenders) |
Vehicle or Leasing Co. Name (column 4) |
Name4 |
Corvette Convertible (DDD Money Lenders) |
Vehicle MSRP (column 1) |
52,190.00 |
Vehicle MSRP (column 2) |
52,290.00 |
Vehicle MSRP (column 3) |
52,390.00 |
Vehicle MSRP (column 4) |
52,490.00 |
Vehicle MSRP - Lookup Link (no icon if blank) |
LinkMSRP | |
Negotiated Price (column 1) |
Price |
50,300.00 |
Negotiated Price (column 2) |
Price2 |
50,200.00 |
Negotiated Price (column 3) |
Price3 |
50,100.00 |
Negotiated Price (column 4) |
Price4 |
50,000.00 |
Negotiated Price - Lookup Link (no icon when blank) |
LinkInvAmt |
Down Payment (column 1) |
DownPmt |
500.00 |
Down Payment (column 2) |
DownPmt2 |
600.00 |
Down Payment (column 3) |
DownPmt3 |
700.00 |
Down Payment (column 4) |
DownPmt4 |
800.00 |
Trade-In Value (column 1) |
TradeIn |
1,950.00 |
Trade-In Value (column 2) |
TradeIn2 |
2,000.00 |
Trade-In Value (column 3) |
TradeIn3 |
2,100.00 |
Trade-In Value (column 4) |
TradeIn4 |
2,200.00 |
Trade-In Value - Lookup Link (no icon if blank) |
LinkTradeIn | |
Dealer Rebate (column 1) |
Rebates |
600.00 |
Dealer Rebate (column 2) |
Rebates2 |
750.00 |
Dealer Rebate (column 3) |
Rebates3 |
1,000.00 |
Dealer Rebate (column 4) |
Rebates4 |
1,500.00 |
Dealer Rebate - Lookup Link (no icon if blank) |
LinkRebates | |
Other Reductions (column 1) |
OthReduct |
1,000.00 |
Other Reductions (column 2) |
OthReduct2 |
0.00 |
Other Reductions (column 3) |
OthReduct3 |
500.00 |
Other Reductions (column 4) |
OthReduct4 |
750.00 |
Total Cost Reductions (column 1) (use when no Cost Reduction detail) |
CostReduct |
4,050.00 |
Total Cost Reductions (column 2) (use when no Cost Reduction detail) |
CostReduct2 |
3,350.00 |
Total Cost Reductions (column 3) (use when no Cost Reduction detail) |
CostReduct3 |
4,300.00 |
Total Cost Reductions (column 4) (use when no Cost Reduction detail) |
CostReduct4 |
5,250.00 |
Trade-In Loan Balance (column 1) |
TradeInBal |
0.00 |
Trade-In Loan Balance (column 2) |
TradeInBal2 |
1,000.00 |
Trade-In Loan Balance (column 3) |
TradeInBal3 |
2,000.00 |
Trade-In Loan Balance (column 4) |
TradeInBal4 |
3,000.00 |
Tags/Plates (column 1) |
Tags |
250.00 |
Tags/Plates (column 2) |
Tags2 |
150.00 |
Tags/Plates (column 3) |
Tags3 |
200.00 |
Tags/Plates (column 4) |
Tags4 |
300.00 |
Title Fee (column 1) |
TitleFee |
185.00 |
Title Fee (column 2) |
TitleFee2 |
175.00 |
Title Fee (column 3) |
TitleFee3 |
165.00 |
Title Fee (column 4) |
TitleFee4 |
155.00 |
Registration Fee (column 1) |
Reg |
275.00 |
Registration Fee (column 2) |
Reg2 |
250.00 |
Registration Fee (column 3) |
Reg3 |
225.00 |
Registration Fee (column 4) |
Reg4 |
200.00 |
Lease Acquisition Fee (column 1) |
AcquiFee |
700.00 |
Lease Acquisition Fee (column 2) |
AcquiFee2 |
600.00 |
Lease Acquisition Fee (column 3) |
AcquiFee3 |
500.00 |
Lease Acquisition Fee (column 4) |
AcquiFee4 |
400.00 |
Insurance Costs (column 1) |
Ins |
335.00 |
Insurance Costs (column 2) |
Ins2 |
350.00 |
Insurance Costs (column 3) |
Ins3 |
375.00 |
Insurance Costs (column 4) |
Ins4 |
390.00 |
Extended Warranty (column 1) |
ExtWarr |
2,325.00 |
Extended Warranty (column 2) |
ExtWarr2 |
0.00 |
Extended Warranty (column 3) |
ExtWarr3 |
2,750.00 |
Extended Warranty (column 4) |
ExtWarr4 |
1,975.00 |
Other Costs (column 1) |
OthCosts |
200.00 |
Other Costs (column 2) |
OthCosts2 |
150.00 |
Other Costs (column 3) |
OthCosts3 |
100.00 |
Other Costs (column 4) |
OthCosts4 |
0.00 |
Total Financed Add-on Costs (column 1) (use when no Financed Add-on Costs detail) |
AddOnCosts |
4,270.00 |
Total Financed Add-on Costs (column 2) (use when no Financed Add-on Costs detail) |
AddOnCosts2 |
2,675.00 |
Total Financed Add-on Costs (column 3) (use when no Financed Add-on Costs detail) |
AddOnCosts3 |
6,315.00 |
Total Financed Add-on Costs (column 4) (use when no Financed Add-on Costs detail) |
AddOnCosts4 |
6,420.00 |
Length of Lease (column 1) |
Length |
3 |
Length of Lease (column 2) |
Length2 |
2 |
Length of Lease (column 3) |
Length3 |
4 |
Length of Lease (column 4) |
Length4 |
5 |
Years/Months (drop-down) |
LengthPrd |
Years |
Money Factor (column 1) |
MoneyFactor |
0 |
Money Factor (column 2) |
MoneyFactor2 |
0.002850 |
Money Factor (column 3) |
MoneyFactor3 |
0 |
Money Factor (column 4) |
MoneyFactor4 |
0.002775 |
Money Factor - Lookup Link (no icon if blank) |
LinkMoneyF | |
New Car Interest Rate (column 1) |
IntRate |
6.5 |
New Car Interest Rate (column 2) |
IntRate2 |
0 |
New Car Interest Rate (column 3) |
IntRate3 |
6.88 |
New Car Interest Rate (column 4) |
IntRate4 |
0 |
New Car Interest Rate - Lookup Link (no icon if blank) |
LinkIntRate | |
Residual Value (column 1) |
ResValue |
0 |
Residual Value (column 2) |
ResValue2 |
0 |
Residual Value (column 3) |
ResValue3 |
23,050 |
Residual Value (column 4) |
ResValue4 |
18,900 |
Residual Value - Lookup Link (no icon if blank) |
LinkRes | |
Percent of MSRP (column 1) |
ResPct |
54 |
Percent of MSRP (column 2) |
ResPct2 |
66 |
Percent of MSRP (column 3) |
ResPct3 |
0 |
Percent of MSRP (column 4) |
ResPct4 |
0 |
Sales Tax % (column 1) |
SalesTaxPct |
6.25 |
Sales Tax % (column 2) |
SalesTaxPct2 |
6.00 |
Sales Tax % (column 3) |
SalesTaxPct3 |
5.75 |
Sales Tax % (column 4) |
SalesTaxPct4 |
5.5 |
Sales Tax Maximum (column 1) |
SalesTaxMax |
1,500.00 |
Sales Tax Maximum (column 2) |
SalesTaxMax2 |
1,400.00 |
Sales Tax Maximum (column 3) |
SalesTaxMax3 |
1,300.00 |
Sales Tax Maximum (column 4) |
SalesTaxMax4 |
0.00 |
View Customized Calculator
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
//Auto Lease Payment Comparison
function CompareLeasePayments()
{'' + 'Title=Mr. %26 Mrs. O%27Riley&Name=Corvette Convertible (AAA Money Lenders)&' + 'Name2=Corvette Convertible (BBB Money Lenders)&' + 'Name3=Corvette Convertible (CCC Money Lenders)&' + 'Name4=Corvette Convertible (DDD Money Lenders)&MSRP=52,190.00&MSRP2=52,290.00&' + 'MSRP3=52,390.00&MSRP4=52,490.00&LinkMSRP=' + 'Price=50,300.00&Price2=50,200.00&Price3=50,100.00&Price4=50,000.00&LinkInvAmt=&' + 'DownPmt=500.00&DownPmt2=600.00&DownPmt3=700.00&DownPmt4=800.00&TradeIn=1,950.00&' + 'TradeIn2=2,000.00&TradeIn3=2,100.00&TradeIn4=2,200.00&' + 'LinkTradeIn=' + 'Rebates3=1,000.00&Rebates4=1,500.00&' + 'LinkRebates=' + 'OthReduct=1,000.00&OthReduct2=0.00&OthReduct3=500.00&OthReduct4=750.00&' + 'CostReduct=4,050.00&CostReduct2=3,350.00&CostReduct3=4,300.00&' + 'CostReduct4=5,250.00&TradeInBal=0.00&TradeInBal2=1,000.00&TradeInBal3=2,000.00&' + 'TradeInBal4=3,000.00&Tags=250.00&Tags2=150.00&Tags3=200.00&Tags4=300.00&' + 'TitleFee=185.00&TitleFee2=175.00&TitleFee3=165.00&TitleFee4=155.00&Reg=275.00&' + 'Reg2=250.00&Reg3=225.00&Reg4=200.00&AcquiFee=700.00&AcquiFee2=600.00&' + 'AcquiFee3=500.00&AcquiFee4=400.00&Ins=335.00&Ins2=350.00&Ins3=375.00&' + 'Ins4=390.00&ExtWarr=2,325.00&ExtWarr2=0.00&ExtWarr3=2,750.00&ExtWarr4=1,975.00&' + 'OthCosts=200.00&OthCosts2=150.00&OthCosts3=100.00&OthCosts4=0.00&' + 'AddOnCosts=4,270.00&AddOnCosts2=2,675.00&AddOnCosts3=6,315.00&' + 'AddOnCosts4=6,420.00&Length=3&Length2=2&Length3=4&Length4=5&LengthPrd=Years&' + 'MoneyFactor=0&MoneyFactor2=0.002850&MoneyFactor3=0&MoneyFactor4=0.002775&' + 'LinkMoneyF=' + 'IntRate3=6.88&IntRate4=0&LinkIntRate=' + 'ResValue2=0&ResValue3=23,050&ResValue4=18,900&' + 'LinkRes=' + 'ResPct4=0&SalesTaxPct=6.25&SalesTaxPct2=6.00&SalesTaxPct3=5.75&SalesTaxPct4=5.5&' + 'SalesTaxMax=1,500.00&SalesTaxMax2=1,400.00&SalesTaxMax3=1,300.00&' + 'SalesTaxMax4=0.00',
<a href="javascript:CompareLeasePayments();">Auto Lease Payment Comparison</a><br>
<a href='' style='font-size: 8pt;'>Online Calculators - Financial Calculators, Health Calculators, and Health Assessments from</a><br>
Lease Mileage Calculator's Customizable Fields |
Screen Name |
Parm Name |
Parm Value Used in this Example |
Title |
Title |
Mr. & Mrs. O'Riley |
Lease Start Date |
StartDate |
9/7/2022 |
Length of Lease |
Length |
3 |
Years/Months (drop-down) |
LengthPrd |
Years |
Annual Miles Allowed |
AllowMiles |
15,000 |
Excess Miles Charge |
ExcessCharge |
.15 |
Odometer Reading |
Odometer |
38,500 |
Odometer Reading Date |
OdometerDate |
1/31/2025 |
View Customized Calculator
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
//Lease Mileage
function LeaseMileage()
{'' + 'Title=Mr. %26 Mrs. O%27Riley&StartDate=9/7/2022&Length=3&LengthPrd=Years&' + 'AllowMiles=15,000&ExcessCharge=.15&Odometer=38,500&OdometerDate=1/31/2025',
<a href="javascript:LeaseMileage();">Lease Mileage</a><br>
<a href='' style='font-size: 8pt;'>Online Calculators - Financial Calculators, Health Calculators, and Health Assessments from</a><br>
Auto Lease vs Loan Calculator's Customizable Fields |
Screen Name |
Parm Name |
Parm Value Used in this Example |
Title |
Title |
Mr. & Mrs. O'Riley |
Vehicle Name |
Name |
Corvette Convertible |
Leasing Company |
Lender |
AAA Money Lenders |
Vehicle MSRP |
52,190.00 |
Vehicle MSRP - Lookup Link (no icon if blank) |
LinkMSRP | |
Negotiated Price |
Price |
50,300.00 |
Negotiated Price - Lookup Link (no icon when blank) |
LinkInvAmt |
Down Payment |
DownPmt |
500.00 |
Trade-In Value |
TradeIn |
1,950.00 |
Trade-In Value - Lookup Link (no icon if blank) |
LinkTradeIn | |
Dealer Rebate |
Rebates |
600.00 |
Dealer Rebate - Lookup Link (no icon if blank) |
LinkRebates | |
Other Reductions |
OthReduct |
1,000.00 |
Total Cost Reductions (use when no Cost Reduction detail) |
CostReduct |
4,050.00 |
Trade-In Loan Balance |
TradeInBal |
0.00 |
Tags/Plates |
Tags |
250.00 |
Title Fee |
TitleFee |
185.00 |
Registration Fee |
Reg |
275.00 |
Lease Acquisition Fee |
AcquiFee |
700.00 |
Insurance Costs |
Ins |
335.00 |
Extended Warranty |
ExtWarr |
2,325.00 |
Other Costs |
OthCosts |
200.00 |
Total Financed Add-on Costs (use when no Financed Add-on Costs detail) |
AddOnCosts |
4,270.00 |
Sales Tax % |
SalesTaxPct |
6.25 |
Sales Tax Maximum |
SalesTaxMax |
1,500.00 |
Length of Lease |
Length |
3 |
Years/Months (drop-down) |
LengthPrd |
Years |
Money Factor |
MoneyFactor |
0 |
Money Factor - Lookup Link (no icon if blank) |
LinkMoneyF | |
New Car Interest Rate |
IntRate |
6.5 |
New Car Interest Rate - Lookup Link (no icon if blank) |
LinkIntRate | |
Residual Value |
ResValue |
0 |
Residual Value - Lookup Link (no icon if blank) |
LinkRes | |
Percent of MSRP |
ResPct |
54 |
Vehicle Name |
LnName |
Corvette Convertible |
Lender |
LnLender |
AAA Money Lenders |
Vehicle MSRP |
52,190.00 |
Negotiated Price |
LnPrice |
50,300.00 |
Down Payment |
LnDownPmt |
500.00 |
Trade-In Value |
LnTradeIn |
1,950.00 |
Dealer Rebate |
LnRebates |
600.00 |
Other Reductions |
LnOthReduct |
1,000.00 |
Total Cost Reductions (use when no Cost Reduction detail) |
LnCostReduct |
4,050.00 |
Trade-In Loan Balance |
LnTradeInBal |
0.00 |
Tags/Plates |
LnTags |
250.00 |
Title Fee |
LnTitleFee |
185.00 |
Registration Fee |
LnReg |
275.00 |
Insurance Costs |
LnIns |
335.00 |
Extended Warranty |
LnExtWarr |
2,325.00 |
Other Costs |
LnOthCosts |
200.00 |
Total Financed Add-on Costs (use when no Financed Add-on Costs detail) |
LnAddOnCosts |
4,270.00 |
Sales Tax Amount |
LnSalesTax |
Sales Tax % |
LnSalesTaxPct |
6.25 |
Sales Tax Maximum |
LnSalesTaxMax |
1,500.00 |
Length of Loan |
LnLength |
72 |
Years/Months (drop-down) |
LnLengthPrd |
Months |
New Car Interest Rate |
LnIntRate |
6.5 |
Sell After |
LnSell |
120 |
Years/Months (drop-down) |
LnSellPrd |
Months |
Resale Value |
LnResValue |
0 |
Resale Value - Lookup Link (no icon if blank) |
LinkUsed | |
Percent of MSRP |
LnResPct |
17 |
View Customized Calculator
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
//Auto Lease vs Loan
function LeaseVsLoan()
{'' + 'Title=Mr. %26 Mrs. O%27Riley&Name=Corvette Convertible&Lender=AAA Money Lenders&' + 'MSRP=52,190.00&LinkMSRP=,300.00&LinkInvAmt=&' + 'DownPmt=500.00&TradeIn=1,950.00&' + 'LinkTradeIn=' + 'LinkRebates=' + 'OthReduct=1,000.00&CostReduct=4,050.00&TradeInBal=0.00&Tags=250.00&' + 'TitleFee=185.00&Reg=275.00&AcquiFee=700.00&Ins=335.00&ExtWarr=2,325.00&' + 'OthCosts=200.00&AddOnCosts=4,270.00&SalesTaxPct=6.25&SalesTaxMax=1,500.00&' + 'Length=3&LengthPrd=Years&MoneyFactor=0&' + 'LinkMoneyF=' + 'LinkIntRate=' + 'LinkRes=' + 'LnName=Corvette Convertible&LnLender=AAA Money Lenders&LnMSRP=52,190.00&' + 'LnPrice=50,300.00&LnDownPmt=500.00&LnTradeIn=1,950.00&LnRebates=600.00&' + 'LnOthReduct=1,000.00&LnCostReduct=4,050.00&LnTradeInBal=0.00&LnTags=250.00&' + 'LnTitleFee=185.00&LnReg=275.00&LnIns=335.00&LnExtWarr=2,325.00&' + 'LnOthCosts=200.00&LnAddOnCosts=4,270.00&LnSalesTax=&LnSalesTaxPct=6.25&' + 'LnSalesTaxMax=1,500.00&LnLength=72&LnLengthPrd=Months&LnIntRate=6.5&LnSell=120&' + 'LnSellPrd=Months&LnResValue=0&LinkUsed=' + 'LnResPct=17',
<a href="javascript:LeaseVsLoan();">Auto Lease vs Loan</a><br>
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