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Online Assessments

Health assessment and parenting assessment screening tools are fun and educational. Have you ever asked yourself "What are the symptoms" of some medical condition or behavior? Self help health assessment tools can help you understand the signs of symptoms for many mental health, physical health, social health, and behavior conditions for yourself, your children, or someone you care about.

We offer online assessments to service almost every industry. If you don't see an assessment you need, a detailed description of what you need and we may add it.

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• Addiction & Behavior Health   • Mental Health   • Physical Health   • Social Health & Relationships   • Parenting Pre‑Schoolers   • Parenting Early‑Schoolers   • Parenting Pre‑Teens   • Parenting Teens   • Parenting Young Adults  

Health Assessment Groups

Physical Health Assessments

Free Calculator  Heart Attack Risk Click here for a description.
Slow Heart Attack Click here for a description.
Risk for Stroke Click here for a description.
Early Stroke Symptoms Click here for a description.
Diabetes (Type 2) Risk Click here for a description.
Diabetes Click here for a description.
Seasonal Allergies Click here for a description.
Food Allergy Click here for a description.
Cold or Flu Click here for a description.
Early Pregnancy Click here for a description.
Gestational Diabetes Risk Click here for a description.

Mental Health Assessments

Free Calculator  Clinical Depression Click here for a description.
Manic Episode Click here for a description.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Click here for a description.
Anxiety Click here for a description.
Fears & Phobias Click here for a description.
Panic Attacks/Panic Disorder Click here for a description.
Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD) Click here for a description.
Postpartum Depression Click here for a description.
Postpartum Psychosis Click here for a description.

Addiction & Behavior Health Assessments

Substance Abuse Assessments
Alcoholism (Short Form) (SMAST) Click here for a description.
Alcoholism (MAST) Click here for a description.
Drug Abuse (DAST) Click here for a description.
Drug Addiction Click here for a description.
Addictions & Impulse Control Assessments
Internet Addict Click here for a description.
Cell Phone Addict Click here for a description.
Compulsive Gambler Click here for a description.
Compulsive Shopper Click here for a description.
General Addiction Symptoms Click here for a description.
Ready to Lose Weight Click here for a description.
Diet Plan Click here for a description.
Food Craving Or Hunger Click here for a description.
Eating Disorder Assessments
Anorexia Click here for a description.
Bulimia Click here for a description.
Binge Eating Click here for a description.
Free Calculator  Eating Disorder Click here for a description.
Eating Disorder Contributor Click here for a description.
Healthy Body Image Click here for a description.

Social Health & Relationships Assessments

Domestic Abuse Victim Click here for a description.
Free Calculator  Abusive Relationship Click here for a description.
Emotionally or Verbally Abused Click here for a description.
Daughter's Abusive Relationship Click here for a description.
Stalking Click here for a description.
CyberStalking Click here for a description.

Parenting Assessment Groups

Parenting Pre-Schoolers Assessments

Medical Condition Assessments
Childhood Asthma Click here for a description.
Diabetes Click here for a description.
Serious Illness Click here for a description.
Cold or Flu Click here for a description.
Seasonal Allergies Click here for a description.
Food Allergy Click here for a description.
Childhood Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Click here for a description.
Childhood Brain Tumor Click here for a description.
Colicky Baby Click here for a description.
Mental, Emotional, & Behavior Disorder Assessments
Separation Anxiety Disorder Click here for a description.
Free Calculator  Autism Click here for a description.
Childhood Bipolar Disorder Click here for a description.
Other Parenting Assessments
Gifted Child (Birth to Age 2) Click here for a description.
Gifted Child (2 to 4 Years Old) Click here for a description.
Spoiled Child Click here for a description.
Toilet Training Readiness Click here for a description.
Shaken Baby Syndrome Click here for a description.

Parenting Early-Schoolers Assessments

Medical Condition Assessments
Childhood Asthma Click here for a description.
Diabetes Click here for a description.
Cold or Flu Click here for a description.
Seasonal Allergies Click here for a description.
Food Allergy Click here for a description.
Childhood Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Click here for a description.
Childhood Brain Tumor Click here for a description.
Mental, Emotional, & Behavior Disorder Assessments
Free Calculator  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Click here for a description.
Learning Disabilities Click here for a description.
Separation Anxiety Disorder Click here for a description.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) Click here for a description.
Childhood Bipolar Disorder Click here for a description.
Other Parenting Assessments
Gifted Child Click here for a description.
Child Overweight Risk Click here for a description.
Free Calculator  Bullied Child Click here for a description.
Child Bully Click here for a description.
Pedophile Grooming Click here for a description.
Neglected Child Click here for a description.
Negligent Parent Click here for a description.
Physical Child Abuse Click here for a description.
Sexual Child Abuse Click here for a description.

Parenting Pre-Teens Assessments

Medical Condition Assessments
Childhood Asthma Click here for a description.
Diabetes Click here for a description.
Cold or Flu Click here for a description.
Seasonal Allergies Click here for a description.
Food Allergy Click here for a description.
Childhood Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Click here for a description.
Childhood Brain Tumor Click here for a description.
Mental, Emotional, & Behavior Disorder Assessments
Separation Anxiety Disorder Click here for a description.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) Click here for a description.
Childhood Bipolar Disorder Click here for a description.
Substance Abuse Assessments
Teen Smoker Click here for a description.
Inhalant Abuse Click here for a description.
Social Assessments
Free Calculator  Bullied Child Click here for a description.
Child Bully Click here for a description.
CyberBullying Click here for a description.
Free Calculator  Cyber Pedophile Click here for a description.
Pedophile Grooming Click here for a description.
Neglected Child Click here for a description.
Negligent Parent Click here for a description.
Physical Child Abuse Click here for a description.
Sexual Child Abuse Click here for a description.
Other Parenting Assessments
Child Overweight Risk Click here for a description.
Healthy Body Image Click here for a description.
High School Readiness Click here for a description.

Parenting Teens Assessments

Mental, Emotional, & Behavior Disorder Assessments
Teen Stress Click here for a description.
Teen Depression Click here for a description.
Teen Suicide Click here for a description.
Teen Learning Disability Click here for a description.
Separation Anxiety Disorder Click here for a description.
Substance Abuse Assessments
Alcohol Hangover Click here for a description.
Teen Binge Drinking Click here for a description.
Teen Alcohol Abuse Click here for a description.
Teen Alcoholism Click here for a description.
Teen Drug Abuse Click here for a description.
Steroid Abuse Click here for a description.
Inhalant Abuse Click here for a description.
Teen Smoker Click here for a description.
Substance Abuse Vulnerability Click here for a description.
Eating Disorder Assessments
Anorexia Click here for a description.
Bulimia Click here for a description.
Binge Eating Click here for a description.
Free Calculator  Eating Disorder Click here for a description.
Eating Disorder Contributor Click here for a description.
Healthy Body Image Click here for a description.
Social Assessments
Teen Cell Phone Addict Click here for a description.
Teen Internet Addict Click here for a description.
Tanning Addict Click here for a description.
Free Calculator  Bullied Teen Click here for a description.
Teen Bully Click here for a description.
CyberBullying Click here for a description.
CyberStalking Click here for a description.
Free Calculator  Cyber Pedophile Click here for a description.
Pedophile Grooming Click here for a description.
Gang Involvement Click here for a description.
Daughter's Abusive Relationship Click here for a description.
Physical Child Abuse Click here for a description.
Sexual Child Abuse Click here for a description.
Medical Condition Assessments
Diabetes Click here for a description.
Seasonal Allergies Click here for a description.
Food Allergy Click here for a description.
Childhood Brain Tumor Click here for a description.
Early Pregnancy Click here for a description.
Other Parenting Assessments
Free Calculator  College Readiness Click here for a description.

Parenting Young Adults Assessments

Mental, Emotional, & Behavior Disorder Assessments
Stress Click here for a description.
Depression Click here for a description.
Suicide Click here for a description.
Substance Abuse Assessments
Alcohol Hangover Click here for a description.
Binge Drinking Click here for a description.
Alcohol Abuse Click here for a description.
Alcoholism Click here for a description.
Drug Abuse Click here for a description.
Steroid Abuse Click here for a description.
Eating Disorder Assessments
Anorexia Click here for a description.
Bulimia Click here for a description.
Binge Eating Click here for a description.
Free Calculator  Eating Disorder Click here for a description.
Eating Disorder Contributor Click here for a description.
Healthy Body Image Click here for a description.
Social Assessments
Cell Phone Addict Click here for a description.
Internet Addict Click here for a description.
Tanning Addict Click here for a description.
Stalking Click here for a description.
CyberStalking Click here for a description.
Gang Involvement Click here for a description.
Daughter's Abusive Relationship Click here for a description.
College Assessments
Free Calculator  College Readiness Click here for a description.
Helicopter Parent Click here for a description.
Student Credit Card Debt Click here for a description.
Medical Condition Assessments
Early Pregnancy Click here for a description.

Heart Attack Risk   Free Calculator  Top
Am I at risk of having a heart attack?
Heart disease occurs when the arteries that supply blood to the heart become narrower - the result is often a heart attack. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S. Some risk factors are beyond your control, but most can be modified or controlled, through behavior or medications, to help lower your risk of a heart attack (even repeat heart attacks). These risk factors multiply each other's effects, so it is very important to prevent or control all controllable risk factors. If you still need more incentive to control the risk factors, high cholesterol and smoking can predict two-thirds of all heart attack victims. Take this quick assessment to learn the risk factors for a heart attack and help you determine if you should make some lifestyle changes to reduce your own heart attack risk.
Slow Heart Attack   Top
Have I had a heart attack but didn't recognize it?
No one doubts a heart attack is happening when it is sudden and intense. But most heart attacks begin slowly, with mild pain or discomfort. Most people do not recognize a slow heart attack, happening to themselves or someone else, and wait too long to get help. By knowing and recognizing the symptoms of a slow heart attack, you could prevent someone from having a massive, sudden heart attack. Almost all heart attack victims experience chest pain or discomfort. And both men and women may have some of the other symptoms, but women are more likely to experience other symptoms along with the chest discomfort. If you or someone with you has chest discomfort that lasts several minutes, or has chest discomfort with one or more of the other heart attack signs, call 9-1-1 and get to a hospital immediately. Nearly 1.1 million Americans have a heart attack each year and nearly half of those are fatal. Half of these deaths occur within 1 hour of the start of symptoms and before the person reaches the hospital. Take this quick assessment to learn the symptoms of a slow heart attack and help you determine if you or someone you care about has had a slow heart attack that may lead to a sudden heart attack.
Risk for Stroke   Top
Am I at risk for a stroke?
A stroke occurs when the arteries to the brain become blocked or rupture, cutting off the blood supply to the brain and causing brain tissue to die. Strokes are the third leading cause of death and the number one cause of disability in the U.S. Are you at risk for a stroke? Everyone has some risk of having a stroke. Some stroke risk factors are beyond your control, while others are preventable or can be controlled. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the risk factors for stroke, and help you determine if there are lifestyle changes you can make to lower your risk of stroke.
Early Stroke Symptoms   Top
Are these symptoms the early warning signs of a stroke?
A stroke occurs when the arteries to the brain become blocked or rupture, cutting off the blood supply to the brain and causing brain tissue to die. Strokes are the third leading cause of death and the number one cause of disability in the U.S. There are 2 types of strokes: ischemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic strokes occur when a blood vessel is blocked by a blood clot or fatty deposit. About 80% of all strokes are ischemic. Most often with ischemic strokes the greatest loss of function is immediate, but 15-20% of ischemic strokes are progressive, where most loss of function occurs over the day or 2 following the stroke. A special kind of ischemic stroke if called a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) or 'mini-stroke'. TIA symptoms usually last less than 15 minutes and treatment is often ignored because there is no noticeable damage. TIAs are serious and you should get treatment even if there is no obvious stroke damage since about one-third of TIA victims have a more serious stroke in the near future. About 20% of stroke victims have a hemorrhagic stroke, where a blood vessel to the brain ruptures. Hemorrhagic strokes are the most serious type of stroke with loss of function normally occurring within minutes to hours. Getting treatment within 3 hours of the first signs of stroke can help stop the brain damamge and resulting disability. A stroke is a medical emergency. Recognizing the early symptoms, and knowing what to do, could save a life! Call 9-1-1 immediately if you see a potential stroke vicitm. Every second counts! Take this quick assessment to learn more about the early warning signs and symptoms of stroke, and help you determine if you or someone you know may have suffered a stroke. You may need this knowledge to save a life, including your own, someday.
Diabetes (Type 2) Risk   Top
Am I at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes?
90% - 95% of people diagnosed with diabetes have Type 2 diabetes, and 90% of those people are overweight. Type 2 diabetes affects the body's ability to use the insulin it produces. Type 2 diabetes can sometimes be reversed with weight loss, a healthy diet, and exercise. Take this quick assessment to learn the risk factors for Type 2 diabetes and help you determine your own risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes   Top
Do I have a symptoms of diabetes?
A person with diabetes has too much glucose (sugar) in the blood and not enough in the body's cells. The symptoms of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are similar. With Type 1 diabetes, the body stops producing insulin, creating high glucose levels, because the insulin producing cells have been destroyed. In Type 2 diabetes, the body's cells become resistant to the insulin that is being produced. Either way, your body sends out warning signs or symptoms to let you know your cells aren't getting the glucose they need. Parents often 'overdiagnose' diabetes in their children. Just drinking a lot or dry, itchy skin alone is not a strong indicator of diabetes, but when combined with other diabetes symptoms may be cause for concern. Take this quick assessment to learn the symptoms of diabetes and help you determine if you or your child may have diabetes.
Seasonal Allergies   Top
Do I have seasonal allergies?
Spring allergies are the most common as trees, flowers, and weeds grow and pollenating bees are busy. Fall is the second common allergy season, with different plants blooming and molds are more active. People who are allergic to the spring and fall pollens also tend to be sensitive to indoor irritants like dust mites, animal dander, and molds, often leading to year-round allergy symptoms. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of seasonal allergies and help you determine if you or your child suffers from seasonal allergies.
Food Allergy   Top
Am I allergic to certain foods?
About 1.5% of adults and up to 6% of children under age 3 in the U.S. (or about 4 million people) have a true food allergy. It usually isn't a 'new' food that causes an allergic reaction. People often develop an allergy to a food he/she has eaten many times. The most common food allergies in children are eggs, milk, peanuts, soy and wheat. Children typically outgrow their allergies to milk, eggs, soy, and wheat. Children usually will not outgrow allergies to peanuts, tree nuts, fish, or shrimp. The most common foods to cause allergies in adults are shrimp, lobster, crab and other shellfish, peanuts, walnuts, and other tree nuts, fish, and eggs. Unlike children, adults do not usually 'outgrow' or lose their food allergies. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of food allergies and help you determine if you or your child is allergic to certain foods.
Cold or Flu   Top
Do I have a simple cold or the flu?
Do you have a simple cold or the flu? Why does it matter when you still feel so rotten? There are treatments for the flu that may help you get better faster. Also, if you have the flu, you have probably exposed other people and they will appreciate it if you warn them so they can take preventative medicine and avoid getting sick too. (As bad as they feel for you, they don't want to be sick with you!) Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of flu and help you determine if you or your child has the flu or just a cold.
Early Pregnancy   Top
Could I be pregnant?
Wondering if you're pregnant? The symptoms of pregnancy are not the same for every woman. In fact, your own symptoms may be different from one pregnancy to another. Pregnancy symptoms can also vary in their intensity, frequency and duration. Many of the earliest pregnancy symptoms are very similar to routine pre-menstrual discomforts. The symptoms in this assessment are in no particular order, but answer these few questions to learn more about what to expect very early during pregnancy and help you determine if you may be pregnant.
Gestational Diabetes Risk   Top
Am I at risk of developing gestational diabetes?
Gestational diabetes affects about 4% of pregnant women, when the hormones from the placenta make the mother insulin resistant. Prenatal care is especially important for women with gestational diabetes risk factors. Good control of diabetes during pregnancy ensures the well being of mother and baby. Gestational diabetes can usually be controlled with a balanced, healthy diet, exercise, and insulin when needed. Many women who have gestational diabetes also develop Type 2 diabetes years later and babies born to a mother with gestational diabetes have an increased risk of developing diabetes later in life. Take this quick assessment to learn the risk factors for gestational diabetes and help you determine your own risk of developing gestational diabetes.
Clinical Depression   Free Calculator  Top
Do I have symptoms of Clinical Depression?
One out of every six people will suffer from major depression at some point in their lives, yet only about one-third of depression sufferers will receive proper treatment. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the symptoms of clinical depression and help you determine whether or not you might suffer from depression.
Manic Episode   Top
Have I had a manic episode between bouts of depression?
Bipolar disorder is an illness consisting of alternating periods (lasting hours, days, weeks, or even months) of depression and manic episodes. Bipolar disorder is frequently misdiagnosed as depression because the manic episodes seem positive. The low periods of depression are usually what prompts a a patient to seek help. Undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, untreated or improperly treated bipolar disorder can have serious consequences for the patient. Manic episodes can lead to poor decision-making and impulsiveness that can wreak havoc or ruin a peron's life. If you are currently diagnosed with depression, but suspect you may actually have bipolar disorder, this test can help you determine if you have had manic episodes between bouts of depression. These questions are based on the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition or DSM-IV.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)   Top
Do I have symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?
If you worry too much, feel restless, and don't sleep well, you may be experiencing symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Take this quick assessment to learn more about the symptoms of GAD and help you determine whether or not you might have GAD. These questions are based on the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition or DSM-IV.
Anxiety   Top
Do I have symptoms of anxiety?
Do you think you may suffer from anxiety? Take this quick assessment to learn more about the symptoms of anxiety and help you determine whether or not you might suffer from anxiety attacks. These questions are based on the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition or DSM-IV.
Fears & Phobias   Top
Do I suffer from a fear or phobia?
People with phobias experience anxiety-like symptoms when exposed to or in anticipation of their feared object or situation. Phobias cause tremendous stress and anxiety, from mild feelings of apprehension to a full-blown panic attack. The body's physical reactions during phobia episodes are the same as if it were a real danger situation. People with phobias do everything they can to avoid their feared objects or situation, to the point that their everyday life is disrupted and it is inconvenient. People with phobias often have other anxiety disorders, so if you have a phobia, you are high risk for other problems like depression. Take this quick assessment to learn the symptoms of fears and phobias and help you determine if you have a phobia.
Panic Attacks/Panic Disorder   Top
Do I suffer from panic attacks or panic disorder?
A panic attack is a sudden, overwhelming fear that comes without warning or obvious reason. The feelings are much more intense than the feelings of stress or normal anxiety. Panic attacks can happen anytime and anywhere, while shopping, driving in your car, or even in your sleep. Panic attacks are similar to anxiety attacks except that panic attacks come on suddenly, last only a short time (usually 20 to 30 minutes) and the fear is extremely intense. Anxiety attacks, on the other hand, come on more gradually, last longer but are less intense. The tendency to have panic attacks runs in families and are often triggered by major life changes, such as changing jobs, getting married, and having a baby. Panic attacks may also be triggered by events that cause severe stress, like divorce, job loss, or the death of a loved one. There is no reason to worry if you've had one or two panic attacks. However, if you continue having panic attacks, you may have panic disorder, a chronic condition that usually develops in the late teens and twenties. Panic disorder rarely develops after age 35 and is twice as common in women. Take this quick assessment to learn the symptoms of panic attacks and panic disorder and help you determine if you may have experienced panic attacks or have a panic disorder.
Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD)   Top
Do I have symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, may develop after a person experiences a very traumatic event. Most people develop PTSD immediately after the event; others, however, develop symptoms several weeks, months, or even years after the event. Common causes of PTSD are military combat, natural disaster, a violent criminal attack, sexual assault, or serious accident. PTSD can occur at any age and some studies indicate that more than 10% of people will suffer from PTSD at some point in their lives. If you have experienced a traumatic event and wonder about the possibility of PTSD, take this quick assessment to learn more about the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and help you determine whether or not you might suffer from PTSD.
Postpartum Depression   Top
Do I have the "Baby Blues" or symptoms of Postpartum Depression?
Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression? After having a baby, 25%-75% of new mothers suffer some degree of depression. Baby Blues is a mild form of this depression, a more serious form is known as Postpartum Depression, and the most severe form is called Postpartum Psychosis where the baby and/or mother may be at risk of injury or death. Contributing factors to Postpartum Depression are hormone changes and lifestyle changes like lack of sleep, being indoors a lot, and the new responsibilities of caring for a newborn. The cause is unknown and can occur anytime up to a year after giving birth. Watching for signs of postpartum depression often becomes the responsibility of the partner or family and friends. It is usually short-lived and goes away without treatment with strong support, loving care, and somone to talk to. If you recently had a baby and are feeling despondent, tired, emotional swings, and loss of appetite, you may be experiencing Postpartum Depression. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the symptoms of Postpartum Depression and help you determine whether or not you might be suffering from it.
Postpartum Psychosis   Top
Does a new mother have symptoms of Postpartum Psychosis?
One or two in a thousand new mothers (4,000 - 8,000 women each year) will develop postpartum psychosis, a very serious illness that needs quick intervention, usually including hospitalization. One of the biggest risk factors for postpartum psychosis is previously diagnosed or family hisotry of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. If you already have bipolar disorder you should be aware, and so should your loved ones, that you have a better-than-average chance of having postpartum depression or psychosis. Also, women who have already experienced postpartum depression or psychosis have a 20-50% chance of having it again at future births. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the symptoms of Postpartum Psychosis and help you determine whether or not you might be suffering from it.
Alcoholism (Short Form) (SMAST)   Top
Is my drinking normal or do I potentially have a problem with alcohol?
Is your drinking considered normal, by you and others, or do you think you may be alcoholic? This quick assessment is based on the Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (SMAST), one of the standard tests used by doctors and counselors to determine if a person is an addict.
Alcoholism (MAST)   Top
Is my drinking normal or am I at risk of alcoholism?
Is your drinking considered normal, by you and others, or do you think you may be alcoholic? This quick assessment is based on the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST), one of the most widely used, and is designed to give you an effective screening for lifetime alcohol-related problems and alcoholism.
Drug Abuse (DAST)   Top
Does my drug use put me at risk for a drug abuse problem?
Generally, when most people talk about substance abuse, they are referring to the use of illegal drugs. However, there are substances that can be abused for their mood-altering effects that are not drugs at all, such as inhalants and solvents, and there are drugs that can be abused that have no mood-altering or intoxication properties, such as anabolic steroids. Take this quick Drug Abuse Self Test (DAST) to learn more about the patterns of drug abuse and help you determine whether or not you may have a drug abuse problem.These questions are used by the Vanderbilt University Addiction Center.
Drug Addiction   Top
When is drug abuse actually a drug addiction?
Drug abuse may turn into drug addiction. How can you recognize if that has happened? Keep in mind that 'drugs' includes illegal drugs, as well as inhalants, solvents, steroids, among others. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the signs that drug abuse has progressed into drug addiction and help you determine whether or not you may have a drug addiction problem.
Internet Addict   Top
Am I addicted to the internet?
Are you on the internet every minute you can? Do you turn down social activities because you would rather be online? Do you spend too much time at work surfing? You may have an internet addiction. Addiction is evident when an obsession with something disrupts the more important things in life, like personal relationships, schooling, or jobs. People can become addicted to pretty much anything, and teens are especially vulnerable to addictions, whether behavior or substance addictions. Internet addiction is an impulse control disorder, similar to gambling, making it a little different than the chemical addiction of drug or alcohol abuse. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of internet addiction and help you determine if you may be addicted to the internet.
Cell Phone Addict   Top
Am I addicted to my cell phone?
Addiction is evident when an obsession with something disrupts the more important things in life, like personal relationships, schooling, or jobs. People can become addicted to pretty much anything. While teens are far more likely to become addicted to their cell phone, they will become adults and that addiction may still be unresolved. People who are shy and have low self-esteem are more likely to become cellular addicts because, with text messaging, you can make 'texting friends' that you never actually have to meet, very much like internet chatting. The cell phone has been dubbed 'the new cigarette' and 'one of the biggest non-drug addictions of the 21st century.' Psychiatrists consider mobile phone addiction to be an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Mobile phone addiction can totally isolate its victims, ruin them economically and even turn them into criminals. Addicts can easily run up phone bills over $1,000 a month, and, like drug addicts, some turn to crime to pay them. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of cell phone addiction and help you determine whether or not you may be a cellular addict.
Compulsive Gambler   Top
Am I a compulsive gambler?
Gambling is addictive if it interferes with a person's day-to-day life. Many behaviors, like gambling, can become as addictive as a substance. Between 2%-4% of Americans are compulsive gamblers and teens are about 3 times more likely to become gambling addicts than adults. There are 2 categories of gambling addiction - Action Gambling and Escape Gambling. Action gamblers are addicted to the thrill of risk-taking. They usually gamble with others so they can be recognized as the winner. Men who are compulsive gamblers are usually action gamblers. Escape gamblers use gambling to escape uncomfortable feelings or an emotional crisis. They want to avoid interacting with others, so they may use slot machines or gamble over the internet. Most women who have a gambling addiction are escape gamblers. Compulsive gamblers in all age groups are more likely to use tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and other drugs. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of compulsive gambling and help you determine if you may have a problem that could lead to a gambling addiction. (The questions for this assessment have been adapted from Gambler's Anonymous Twenty Questions.)
Compulsive Shopper   Top
Am I a compulsive shopper?
Is your closet full of clothes you've never worn? Is your makeup drawer or jewelry box overflowing? Do you find it impossible to buy just one or two CDs at a time? Does the phrase 'Shop til you drop' describe you to a tee? You may be one of about 17 million Americans (about 1 in every 20 people) who are compulsive shoppers, and 9 out of 10 of those are women. Shopping addicts are preoccupied with shopping. The constant thinking about shopping builds tension that shopping itself temporarily relieves. Women who are shopping addicts are called 'Shopaholics', while men who shop compulsively are often called 'Collectors'. 'Shopaholic' women tend to buy clothes, shoes, jewelry, makeup, and CDs. Men like to 'collect' clothes, shoes, electronics, hardware, and CDs. The problem shopping begins for many reasons, including lonliness, self-esteem, a rush, battling depression, or to escape problems. Our economy and culture encourages shopping, claiming you are helping the country by spending money. However, the consequences of compulsive shopping are serious and include unmanageable debt, marital problems or divorce, or job loss. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of compulsive shopping and help you determine if you may have a problem that could lead to a shopping addiction.
General Addiction Symptoms   Top
Could I be addicted to some substance or behavior?
Addiction is evident when an obsession with something disrupts the more important things in life, like personal relationships, schooling, or jobs. People can become addicted to pretty much anything. Addiction to substances like alcohol, prescription drugs, or illegal drugs are well-known. Impulse control disorders, or behavior addictions, are not considered addictions by some professionals, but the general symptoms and consequences are similar. Behavior addictions seem to be increasing and may include addictions to the internet, cell phones, shopping, tanning, and video games. If you cannot control your behavior or need for a substance, you may be addicted. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the general symptoms of addiction and help you determine whether or not you may be addicted to some substance or behavior.
Ready to Lose Weight   Top
Am I ready to lose weight successfully?
Did you know that being ready to lose weight is an important factor in losing weight successfully? When you are prepared in all areas of your life (emotional, mental, physical) losing weight is easier and you will be more successful. Take this quiz to see if you're ready now. If the quiz indicates you are not ready or not 100% ready it's OK to get going while you continue to work and get ready in all the different areas. Getting ready to lose weight doesn't just happen either. Waiting until everything is perfect in your life is not likely to happen. You have to want to be ready and be taking active steps to getting yourself ready. Take control of the things you can to prepare yourself for weight loss success.
Diet Plan   Top
Does the diet plan I'm considering actually have a good chance of helping me lose weight?
The diet plan you choose to lose weight is critical to your success, whether you design you own plan decide to follow a published plan. If you can't live with the plan, you can't lose weight. And if the plan isn't a good one, it probably help much either. Run this Diet Plan Assessment to learn what a good diet plan will include. Better yet, run it with a specific plan in mind to avoid wasting a lot of time trying different plans. You can lose weight by choosing a plan that works that you can live on!
Food Craving Or Hunger   Top
When you eat, is it because you are physically hungry or psychologically craving food? Our bodies and minds deceive each other and confuse us into becoming or remaining overweight. Once you learn to recognize real hunger from cravings you can create a Cravings Substitute List and work on other anti-craving techniques to help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
Anorexia   Top
How can I tell if I, my child, or someone I know might have anorexia?
Messages are all around us of the benefits of a healthy diet and regular exercise. Advice on how to do that is also readily available. However, an obsession with losing weight and exercising can lead to anorexia. The emotional and physical consequences are serious. A person with anorexia does not realize the dangers (including hair loss, fatigue and weakness, dehydration, weakened immune system, heart trouble, even death) of denying food to their body. It's also important to know that about 50% of people with anorexia also develop bulimia. (See our Bulimia Assessment for help if you think you or a loved one may have bulimia.) Answer these few questions to learn more about the signs of anorexia and help you determine if your child or someone you know may have anorexia.
Bulimia   Top
How can I tell if my child or someone I know might have bulimia?
Purging seems like an easy way to control weight. 'Eat anything you want, as much as you want, and never gain an ounce! Just get rid of the calories consumed.' Unfortunately, more than just calories are expelled during purging. The loss of potassium and other necessary minerals from purging can lead to dehyration, bowel problems, fatigue, ulcers, heart problems and even death. Purging (by self-induced vomiting, or using laxatives, diuretics, or enemas) begins as a way to control weight but becomes an uncontrollable habit. Bulimia suffers are very secretive and some of the symptoms are very subtle. Unlike anorexia sufferers, people with bulimia are more often normal weight or even overweight because they eat so much. It is important to know that 80% of bulimia patients are female and about 50% of people with anorexia also develop bulimia. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the signs of bulimia and help you determine if your child or someone you know may need professional help.
Binge Eating   Top
How can I tell if I or my child might be a binge eater?
Binge eating is a newly recognized eating disorder in which the sufferer has frequent episodes of compulsive overeating. Unlike anorexia and bulimia, binge eating disorder occurs almost as often in men as in women. Binge eating disorder can cause high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fatigue, joint pain, Type II diabetes, gallbladder disease, and heart disease. Do you think you may be or know a binge eater? Take this quick assessment to learn more about the symptoms of binge eating and help you determine whether you or your child might be a binge eater.
Eating Disorder   Free Calculator  Top
How can I tell if my child or someone I know might have an eating disorder?
An unhealthy relationship with food can lead to eating disorders, which have serious emotional and physical effects. Anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating are fairly well-known eating disorders, but some eating disorders don't fit into one of those categories. Some people severely restrict food intake without developing other symptoms of anorexia, some binge and purge on an irregular basis so it doesn't fit the symptoms of bulimia, and others may chew food then spit it out without swallowing. This assessment can help if your child or someone you know has suspicious eating behaviors, but they don't seem to have anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating or you're not sure which it may be. Answer these questions to learn more about the symptoms of eating disorders in general and help you determine whether your child or someone you know might suffer from an eating disorder.
Eating Disorder Contributor   Top
Am I contributing to my child's risk of developing an eating disorder?
As a parent, you may be contributing to your child's risk of developing an eating disorder. Answer these few questions to learn more about how parents may unknowingly contribute to a child's eating disorder and help you evaluate if you may need to modify some of your behaviors.
Healthy Body Image   Top
Do I have a healthy view of my body?
Girls as young as 9 years old report some dissatisfaction with their bodies and their body image tends to grow steadily worse as they get older. Girls tend to struggle with body image far more than boys. Most body image feelings will stay with a girl into womanhood. A girl's body image is influenced by peers, media, coaches, parents, siblings, or other family members. Parents influence their daughter's self-image when they comment on their own or someone else's body shape or size. This quick assessment can help you understand what it takes to have a healthy body image.
Domestic Abuse Victim   Top
Is my family member, friend, or co-worker a victim of domestic abuse?
Domestic abuse has several forms, including, physical abuse, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, mental abuse, sexual abuse, stalking, and financial abuse. This assessment is designed for use when you suspect a family member, friend, or co-worker may be the victim of domestic abuse. It is not necessarily a tool to determine if you, personally are in an abusive relationship. (See our Abusive Relationship Assessment for help with your own relationship.) Answer these few questions to learn more about the signs of domestic abuse and help you determine if your family member, friend, or co-worker may be a victim of domestic abuse.
Abusive Relationship   Free Calculator  Top
Am I in an abusive relationship?
A common pattern of abusive relationships is that many violent, abusive outbursts are followed by apologies and seemingly heartfelt promises to change. The abuser may be very pleasant most of the time, making it a difficult decision to 'break the cycle' and end the relationship. You must first recognize that the situation is abusive if you are going to get help and end the abuse. This assessment is designed for use if you feel that you, personally, may be in an abusive relationship. It is not necessarily a tool to determine if you suspect a family member, friend, or co-worker is being abused at home. (See our Domestic Abuse Victim Assessment for help with someone else's relationship.) Answer these few questions to learn more about the signs of an abusive relationship and help you determine if your relationship may be abusive.
Emotionally or Verbally Abused   Top
Am I being emotionally or verbally abused?
Most people recognize the signs of physical or sexual abuse, but many of the signs of emotional or verbal abuse are much less obvious. Victims are often so 'worn down' they do not recognize the abuse. This assessment is designed to teach the signs of emotional or verbal abuse by a family member (partner, parent, or child), but emotional or verbal abuse can be inflicted by a boss, co-worker, care-giver, or anyone who controls an important part of your life.Answer these few questions to learn more about the signs of emotional or verbal abuse and help you determine if you may be a victim.
Daughter's Abusive Relationship   Top
Is my daughter in an abusive relationship?
Teenage abusive relationships are on the rise. Many teenager girls are finding themselves in relationships that are controlling, manipulative, or even physicially abusive. And some research shows that as many as 98% of these teenage girls continue to date their abuser. If you are concerned about your daughter's relationship, take this short assessment to learn more about the signs of an abusive relationship and help you determine if your daughter's relationship may be abusive.
Stalking   Top
I'm nervous about the way this person acts, am I being stalked?
Stalking is a form of harassment where a victim fears for their safety because someone haunts them physically or emotionally. Stalking is repetitive and devious in nature and the victim usually feels threatened. Stalking can take place in person, by phone, or online (see our Cyberstalking Assessment for more specific signs). The victim may never see the stalker or they may seem to be present almost everywhere the victim goes. Stalking is unpredictable and should always be considered dangerous. If you are concerned that someone may be stalking you, take this quick assessment to learn more about the signs of stalking and help you determine if you may be a victim of stalking.
CyberStalking   Top
I'm uncomfortable about the internet communications from someone, am I being cyberstalked?
Cyberstalkers use internet, email, instant messaging, or text messaging to stalk another person. Cyberstalking is serious even if there is no physical stalking. Laws regarding cyberstalking are usually weak, so you must take precautions to protect yourself. The best way to protect against cyberstalking is to ignore any communications from the stalker. Cyberstalking sometimes advances to physical stalking and violence, so be extra cautious to protect your identity while online. If you are concerned about a potential cyberstalker, take this quick assessment to learn more about the signs of cyberstalking and help you determine if you may be a victim.
Childhood Asthma   Top
Does my child have asthma?
Chronic asthma is the most common long-term children's disease, affecting about 1-2% of children. Some people only display one symptom such as coughing or wheezing after exercise, or persistent coughing at night. Although these one symptom cases may not be chronic asthma, 15-20% of all children will have non-chronic asthma symptoms. An asthma attack occurs when the bronchial airways become inflammed, obstructing the airway and affecting breathing. Asthma attacks can be extremely mild or they may be serious enough to cause death. Asthma attacks are most often triggered by exercise, infection, allergies, and weather. The better you understand your child's asthma, the better you will be able to control it. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of childhood asthma and help you determine if your child may have asthma.
Diabetes   Top
Do I have a symptoms of diabetes?
A person with diabetes has too much glucose (sugar) in the blood and not enough in the body's cells. The symptoms of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are similar. With Type 1 diabetes, the body stops producing insulin, creating high glucose levels, because the insulin producing cells have been destroyed. In Type 2 diabetes, the body's cells become resistant to the insulin that is being produced. Either way, your body sends out warning signs or symptoms to let you know your cells aren't getting the glucose they need. Parents often 'overdiagnose' diabetes in their children. Just drinking a lot or dry, itchy skin alone is not a strong indicator of diabetes, but when combined with other diabetes symptoms may be cause for concern. Take this quick assessment to learn the symptoms of diabetes and help you determine if you or your child may have diabetes.
Serious Illness   Top
Does my child have symptoms of a serious illness?
How do you know if your child's illness is minor or serious? Children may be too young to tell you they are sick. Sometimes children don't recognize symptoms or they will ignore them. Children should have regular checkups and parents should always follow-up on their instincts that something serious may be wrong. The symptoms listed in this assessment may be signs of a serious illness. If a child has persistent symptoms, they should get medical attention immediately. Take this quick assessment to learn the symptoms of a serious illness and help you determine if your child should get medical attention.
Cold or Flu   Top
Do I have a simple cold or the flu?
Do you have a simple cold or the flu? Why does it matter when you still feel so rotten? There are treatments for the flu that may help you get better faster. Also, if you have the flu, you have probably exposed other people and they will appreciate it if you warn them so they can take preventative medicine and avoid getting sick too. (As bad as they feel for you, they don't want to be sick with you!) Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of flu and help you determine if you or your child has the flu or just a cold.
Seasonal Allergies   Top
Do I have seasonal allergies?
Spring allergies are the most common as trees, flowers, and weeds grow and pollenating bees are busy. Fall is the second common allergy season, with different plants blooming and molds are more active. People who are allergic to the spring and fall pollens also tend to be sensitive to indoor irritants like dust mites, animal dander, and molds, often leading to year-round allergy symptoms. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of seasonal allergies and help you determine if you or your child suffers from seasonal allergies.
Food Allergy   Top
Am I allergic to certain foods?
About 1.5% of adults and up to 6% of children under age 3 in the U.S. (or about 4 million people) have a true food allergy. It usually isn't a 'new' food that causes an allergic reaction. People often develop an allergy to a food he/she has eaten many times. The most common food allergies in children are eggs, milk, peanuts, soy and wheat. Children typically outgrow their allergies to milk, eggs, soy, and wheat. Children usually will not outgrow allergies to peanuts, tree nuts, fish, or shrimp. The most common foods to cause allergies in adults are shrimp, lobster, crab and other shellfish, peanuts, walnuts, and other tree nuts, fish, and eggs. Unlike children, adults do not usually 'outgrow' or lose their food allergies. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of food allergies and help you determine if you or your child is allergic to certain foods.
Childhood Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)   Top
Does my child have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)?
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common problem in children and is recognized as one cause of daytime attention and behavior problems. Unlike adults with OSA, who are often overweight, young children with OSA are usually not overweight, making children with OSA harder to recognize and diagnose. The main treatment for children with OSA is surgery to remove the enlarged tonsils and adenoids. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of childhood OSA and help you determine if your child may have obstructive sleep apnea.
Childhood Brain Tumor   Top
Does my child have symptoms of a brain tumor?
A brain tumor is any growth of abnormal cells or the uncontrolled growth of cells in the brain. The tumor may originate in the brain (primary brain tumor) or spread to the brain from another part of the body. Tumors can directly destroy brain cells or they can damage cells indirectly by causing inflammation and compressing other parts of the brain as the tumor grows, by causing the brain to swell (edema), or by causing pressure inside the skull. The cause of primary brain tumors is unknown, but some tumors tend to be hereditary while others are congenital and were present before birth. The symptoms of brain tumors depend on tumor size, type, and location. Bad headaches and vomiting are symptoms with many common causes, but when combined with any of the other brain tumor symptoms increases the possibility of a brain tumor. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of brain tumors in children and help you determine if your child should be evaluated for a possible brain tumor.
Colicky Baby   Top
Does my child have symptoms of colic?
It is not unusual for a baby with colic to cry for 3 hours a day, several days a week. Experts are not sure what causes colic, which begins at about 2 weeks old. Fortunately, colic goes away as the baby matures and is normally gone by about 3 or 4 month old. Colic can be exhausting and emotionally draining for parents. If you ever feel yourself losing control, get help or take a minute to calm down. Never shake a baby. Shaking a baby out of frustration can cause permanent brain damage or death. (See our Shaken Baby Syndrome Assessment.) Take this quick assessment to learn more about the symptoms of a colicky baby and help you determine whether or not your baby might be suffering from colic.
Separation Anxiety Disorder   Top
Does my child have symptoms of separation anxiety disorder?
Do you feel like your child never wants to be away from you and seems stressed when you are separated? Maybe your child suffers from Separation Anxiety Disorder. Separation anxieties are normal for infants or toddlers. Separation Anxiety Disorder generally occurs in older children, still younger than 18. Studies show that Separation Anxiety Disorder is more common in girls and about 4% of children have it. Situations like moving to a different home, a death or illness in the family, or trauma increases the risk for a child developing Separation Anxiety Disorder. Early intervention, with therapy or medications, leads to a more successful recovery. Adults with unresolved Separation Anxiety Disorder tend to have difficulty moving for college or a job, getting married, or being separated from their spouse or children. Take this quick assessment to learn the symptoms of Separation Anxiety Disorder and help you determine if your child may suffer from it.These questions are adapted from the DSM-IV (the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition) diagnostic criteria for Separation Anxiety Disorder.
Autism   Free Calculator  Top
Does my child have symptoms of autism?
Autism is a developmental disorder causing delays or disabilities when it comes to social skills such as ordinary conversation, eye contact, and emotional understanding. These issues usually lead to impaired social interaction and problems with verbal and nonverbal communication. People with autism often have unusual, repetitive, or severely limited activities and interests. Autism also causes delays in developing fine and gross motor skills. Experts estimate that 3 to 6 children out of every 1,000 will have autism. For unknown reasons, boys are four times more likely to have autism than girls. What causes autism in unknown, but it does seem to run in families, and it is not contagious. It may not be easy to identify a person with autism. Autistic people may have high or low IQ’s. They may be chatty or silent, outgoing or shy, good or bad students. Some have unusual talents, other do not. Some are easygoing while others have severe behavior issues. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the symptoms of autism to help you determine whether or not your child may be autistic.
Childhood Bipolar Disorder   Top
Does my child have Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar Disorder is one of the most misunderstood disorders in children (may also be called 'early-onset Bipolar Disorder'). Many children who have Bipolar Disorder are misdiagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD), since typical adult Bipolar symptoms are applied to the child. Much more is known now about Bipolar Disorder in children and how the symptoms differ from adults. Children are at particular risk if both sides of the family has a history of mood disorders, like depression or Bipolar Disorder, or alcoholism. Recent research shows that over 80% of children who have Bipolar Disorder come from families where mood disorders or alcoholism run in the mother's family and in the father's family. If your child has frequent mood swings and seems totally out-of-control and you are completely exasperated trying to figure him/her out, take this quick assessment to learn the symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in children and help you determine if your child should be evaluated for Bipolar Disorder.
Gifted Child (Birth to Age 2)   Top
Is my child (infant or toddler) gifted?
Some children show signs of giftedness at a very young age. Keep in mind, however, that many gifted children do not show signs this early, but begin to show them later. Also know that when parents are aware of the gifted characteristics, they may teach and nurture their child in these areas, resulting in the child merely appearing to be gifted. A truly gifted child shows interest and progress with very little parental encouragement or coaching. It is important to identify gifted children as early as possible so they can be guided and encouraged to develop themselves to their fullest. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the characteristics (suggested by Inderbir Kaur Sandhu, Ph.D.) to watch for to help you determine if your child may be gifted.
Gifted Child (2 to 4 Years Old)   Top
Is my young child gifted?
Most gifted children show signs before they begin school. Some children merely appear to be gifted. This may happen when parents are aware of the gifted characteristics, then teach and nurture their child in these areas. A truly gifted child shows interest and progress with very little parental encouragement or coaching. Ask your gifted child's pre-school teacher to observe him/her, looking for unusual talents, skills, or abilities. Remember too that a gifted child can also have learning disabilities. Unfortunately, the disability is usually recognized while the giftedness is not. It is important to identify gifted children as early as possible so they can be guided and encouraged to develop themselves to their fullest. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the characteristics (suggested by Inderbir Kaur Sandhu, Ph.D.) to watch for to help you determine if your child may be gifted.
Spoiled Child   Top
Is my child spoiled?
All children act spoiled in some ways or at some times. If not, how will they know what they can get, or get away with, if they don't throw a tantrum once in a while? A few spoiled behaviors, even if seen often, does not necessarily mean a child is actually spoiled. Some behaviors will be part of a child's personality no matter how the parents respond to it. A spoiled child is not really happy and giving in, though it may stop the whining and tantrum for now, only teaches a child that bad behavior gets him what he wants. The more of these behaviors you see consistently from your child, the greater chance your child really is spoiled and better parenting skills (setting limits, creating routines, and being consistent) are required to fix it. Do other people think your kids are spoiled? Are your kids really spoiled? Are your nieces, nephews, or best friend's kids spoiled? This quick assessment can help you see common behaviors of a spoiled child and help you determine if your child or a child you know really is spoiled.
Toilet Training Readiness   Top
Is my child ready to be toilet trained?
Is your child ready to be toilet trained or is it just that you want them to be trained? In general, the younger you start toilet training, the longer it usually takes. Girls tend to be ready younger and are generally easier to toilet train than boys. Remember, children and parents are individuals. As a parent, consider your own feelings and stress level about toilet training, your child's ability, and your expectations of your child. Kids just seem to know or sense your stress and pressure. The more you want them trained, the less likely they are to cooperate. A child will not toilet train until he/she decides, no matter how many readiness signs there are. However, the more readiness signs your child shows, the quicker and more stress-free the process will probably be. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the signs of toilet training readiness and help you determine if your child may be ready.
Shaken Baby Syndrome   Top
Does this child have signs of shaken baby syndrome?
Shaken Baby Syndrome is a severe head injury caused when an infant or child is shaken violently. It usually occurs to children younger than 2, but could occur to children up to age 5. Shaking a baby or young child can cause permanent brain damage, blindness, or even death. Shaken Baby Syndrome causes such serious injuries for several reasons: a baby's head is large and heavy in proportion to its body, so the whiplash effect of shaking is exaggerated; infants have space between the brain and skull to allow for growth; babies' neck muscles and ligaments are weak and not fully developed; and an infant's skull is soft. Shaken Baby Syndrome is usually caused when an angry or extremely frustrated parent or caregiver, not intending to hurt the baby, shakes the baby too hard, often in response to a baby's non-stop crying. On rare occasions, similar injuries are caused accidently by tossing the baby in the air or jogging with the baby in a backpack. There are usually no outward physical signs of trauma, such as bruising, bleeding, or swelling. An eye exam may reveal retinal hemorrhage (bleeding behind the eye) or retinal detachment. Take this quick assessment to learn the warning signs of Shaken Baby Syndrome and help you determine if a baby you're concerned about may be a victim.
Childhood Asthma   Top
Does my child have asthma?
Chronic asthma is the most common long-term children's disease, affecting about 1-2% of children. Some people only display one symptom such as coughing or wheezing after exercise, or persistent coughing at night. Although these one symptom cases may not be chronic asthma, 15-20% of all children will have non-chronic asthma symptoms. An asthma attack occurs when the bronchial airways become inflammed, obstructing the airway and affecting breathing. Asthma attacks can be extremely mild or they may be serious enough to cause death. Asthma attacks are most often triggered by exercise, infection, allergies, and weather. The better you understand your child's asthma, the better you will be able to control it. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of childhood asthma and help you determine if your child may have asthma.
Diabetes   Top
Do I have a symptoms of diabetes?
A person with diabetes has too much glucose (sugar) in the blood and not enough in the body's cells. The symptoms of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are similar. With Type 1 diabetes, the body stops producing insulin, creating high glucose levels, because the insulin producing cells have been destroyed. In Type 2 diabetes, the body's cells become resistant to the insulin that is being produced. Either way, your body sends out warning signs or symptoms to let you know your cells aren't getting the glucose they need. Parents often 'overdiagnose' diabetes in their children. Just drinking a lot or dry, itchy skin alone is not a strong indicator of diabetes, but when combined with other diabetes symptoms may be cause for concern. Take this quick assessment to learn the symptoms of diabetes and help you determine if you or your child may have diabetes.
Cold or Flu   Top
Do I have a simple cold or the flu?
Do you have a simple cold or the flu? Why does it matter when you still feel so rotten? There are treatments for the flu that may help you get better faster. Also, if you have the flu, you have probably exposed other people and they will appreciate it if you warn them so they can take preventative medicine and avoid getting sick too. (As bad as they feel for you, they don't want to be sick with you!) Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of flu and help you determine if you or your child has the flu or just a cold.
Seasonal Allergies   Top
Do I have seasonal allergies?
Spring allergies are the most common as trees, flowers, and weeds grow and pollenating bees are busy. Fall is the second common allergy season, with different plants blooming and molds are more active. People who are allergic to the spring and fall pollens also tend to be sensitive to indoor irritants like dust mites, animal dander, and molds, often leading to year-round allergy symptoms. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of seasonal allergies and help you determine if you or your child suffers from seasonal allergies.
Food Allergy   Top
Am I allergic to certain foods?
About 1.5% of adults and up to 6% of children under age 3 in the U.S. (or about 4 million people) have a true food allergy. It usually isn't a 'new' food that causes an allergic reaction. People often develop an allergy to a food he/she has eaten many times. The most common food allergies in children are eggs, milk, peanuts, soy and wheat. Children typically outgrow their allergies to milk, eggs, soy, and wheat. Children usually will not outgrow allergies to peanuts, tree nuts, fish, or shrimp. The most common foods to cause allergies in adults are shrimp, lobster, crab and other shellfish, peanuts, walnuts, and other tree nuts, fish, and eggs. Unlike children, adults do not usually 'outgrow' or lose their food allergies. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of food allergies and help you determine if you or your child is allergic to certain foods.
Childhood Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)   Top
Does my child have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)?
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common problem in children and is recognized as one cause of daytime attention and behavior problems. Unlike adults with OSA, who are often overweight, young children with OSA are usually not overweight, making children with OSA harder to recognize and diagnose. The main treatment for children with OSA is surgery to remove the enlarged tonsils and adenoids. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of childhood OSA and help you determine if your child may have obstructive sleep apnea.
Childhood Brain Tumor   Top
Does my child have symptoms of a brain tumor?
A brain tumor is any growth of abnormal cells or the uncontrolled growth of cells in the brain. The tumor may originate in the brain (primary brain tumor) or spread to the brain from another part of the body. Tumors can directly destroy brain cells or they can damage cells indirectly by causing inflammation and compressing other parts of the brain as the tumor grows, by causing the brain to swell (edema), or by causing pressure inside the skull. The cause of primary brain tumors is unknown, but some tumors tend to be hereditary while others are congenital and were present before birth. The symptoms of brain tumors depend on tumor size, type, and location. Bad headaches and vomiting are symptoms with many common causes, but when combined with any of the other brain tumor symptoms increases the possibility of a brain tumor. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of brain tumors in children and help you determine if your child should be evaluated for a possible brain tumor.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)   Free Calculator  Top
Does my child have ADHD?
When children have problems at school with attention span, distraction, sitting still, or impulsive behaviors, the first suggestion is that they may have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). ADD (attention deficit disorder) is an older term that is no longer used by professionals. It was the diagnosis used for ADHD where hyperactivity was not present. Now, ADHD is used with or without hyperactivity. ADHD is diagnosed as one of 3 types: Inattention Type ADHD, Hyperactive/Insensitive Type ADHD, or Combined Type ADHD (where symptoms of both Inattention and Hyperactive/Insensitive Types are present). Most children and adolescents have Combined Type ADHD. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the symptoms of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and help you determine whether or not your child should be tested for ADHD. These questions are adapted from the DSM-IV (the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition) diagnostic criteria for ADHD.
Learning Disabilities   Top
Does my child have learning disabilities?
Learning disabilities are common - as many as 1 out of 5 people in the U.S. has a learning disability. Learning disabilities need to be identified early in school since school requires children to focus in reading, writing, math, listening, speaking, and reasoning - the very things children with learning disabilities struggle with the most. The fist sign of a learning disability is that parents and/or teachers notice the child is not learning as expected. The child will not show all, or even most, or these signs; however, if a child shows a number of these signs, parents and teachers should consider an evaluation to confirm or rule out a learning disability. Take this quick assessment if you think your child may have a learning disability.
Separation Anxiety Disorder   Top
Does my child have symptoms of separation anxiety disorder?
Do you feel like your child never wants to be away from you and seems stressed when you are separated? Maybe your child suffers from Separation Anxiety Disorder. Separation anxieties are normal for infants or toddlers. Separation Anxiety Disorder generally occurs in older children, still younger than 18. Studies show that Separation Anxiety Disorder is more common in girls and about 4% of children have it. Situations like moving to a different home, a death or illness in the family, or trauma increases the risk for a child developing Separation Anxiety Disorder. Early intervention, with therapy or medications, leads to a more successful recovery. Adults with unresolved Separation Anxiety Disorder tend to have difficulty moving for college or a job, getting married, or being separated from their spouse or children. Take this quick assessment to learn the symptoms of Separation Anxiety Disorder and help you determine if your child may suffer from it.These questions are adapted from the DSM-IV (the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition) diagnostic criteria for Separation Anxiety Disorder.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)   Top
Does my child have Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)?
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is when a child develops a pattern of disobedient, hostile, and defiant behavior toward authority figures. All children are oppositional from time to time (particularly when tired, hungry, stressed or upset) and they will argue, talk back, disobey, and defy parents, teachers, and other adults. These behaviors are a normal part of development for very young children, but parents generally notice symptoms of ODD by age 8 when the behaviors have not improved. By about age 8, the openly uncooperative and hostile behavior may be ODD when it is so frequent and extreme when compared with other children of the same age and when it affects the child's social, family, and school life. The causes of ODD are unknown, but many parents report that their child with ODD was more rigid and demanding from an early age than the child's siblings. Experts believe biological and environmental factors may have a role. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of Oppositional Defiant Disorder and help you determine if your child may have ODD.
Childhood Bipolar Disorder   Top
Does my child have Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar Disorder is one of the most misunderstood disorders in children (may also be called 'early-onset Bipolar Disorder'). Many children who have Bipolar Disorder are misdiagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD), since typical adult Bipolar symptoms are applied to the child. Much more is known now about Bipolar Disorder in children and how the symptoms differ from adults. Children are at particular risk if both sides of the family has a history of mood disorders, like depression or Bipolar Disorder, or alcoholism. Recent research shows that over 80% of children who have Bipolar Disorder come from families where mood disorders or alcoholism run in the mother's family and in the father's family. If your child has frequent mood swings and seems totally out-of-control and you are completely exasperated trying to figure him/her out, take this quick assessment to learn the symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in children and help you determine if your child should be evaluated for Bipolar Disorder.
Gifted Child   Top
Is my child gifted?
Parents, friends, teachers, or doctors are usually the first to notice a child's rapid development, intelligence, skills, or abilities. Gifted or very able children need to be identified so that their intellectual, social, and emotional needs can be met and not stifled. It is easy to destroy a gifted child's self-esteem if parents, teachers, or peers constantly put them down, see them as a threat, or criticize them for always knowing the answers or asking questions. Gifted children can be overlooked for a number of reasons: they may not perform well in school, they may appear lazy or inattentive, they may daydream, they may be disruptive in shool, they may be uncooperative, hard to motivate, or critical of teachers and classmates. It is only a tiny minority of gifted children who become exceptionally young musicians, chess champions, or outstanding athletes. Most gifted children are good problem solvers, have a wide range of interests, good general knowledge, a great ability to concentrate (when challenged), and an amazing sense of purpose and strength of will. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the characteristics to watch for to help you determine if your child may be gifted.
Child Overweight Risk   Top
Is my child at risk of becoming overweight?
There is a lot of news lately suggesting that obesity is or is quickly becoming an epidemic in the U.S. Our children are not far behind - as adult obesity increases, so does childhood obesity. Most overweight children simply eat too much, especially unhealthy foods, and aren't active enough. Researchers have found that about 25 percent of children and adolescents are overweight, double the percentage of 30 years ago. Obese children ages 10 to 13 reportedly have a 70 percent chance of becoming obese adults. Parents who recognize that their child is at risk for obesity can begin to make lifestyle changes to lessen that risk, like joining your children in active play and introducing new and healthier foods. While genetics does play a part in obesity, most people can control their weight through activity, exercise, and healthy eating. Not every child who is high risk will become overweight and even children who are not overweight right now may still be at risk of becoming overweight in their adolescence or adulthood if they have these high risk habits. Take this quick assessment to learn obesity risk factors and help you determine if you should make some lifestyle changes to reduce your child's risk of obesity.
Bullied Child   Free Calculator  Top
Is my child being bullied?
Nearly half of all children are bullied at some time during their school years and 10% are bullied on a regular basis. Bullies often choose children who are passive, easily intimidated, or have few friends. Victims are often smaller or younger and have a hard time defending themselves. Bullying interferes with the victim's social and emotional development, school performance, and many victim's think about suicide. If you are concerned that your child may be victim of bullying, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if the child may need help.
Child Bully   Top
Is my child a bully?
The Stop Bullying Now campaign defines bullying as 'aggressive behavior that is intentional, repeated over time, and involves an imbalance of power or strength. A child who is being bullied has a hard time defending himself or herself'. Also, 15-20% of children who are bullied say they sometimes bully others. Bullying is serious, since bullied children may become depressed, lonely, anxious, have low self-esteem, feel sick, and think about suicide. If you are concerned that a child you know may be bullying other children, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if the child may be a bully.
Pedophile Grooming   Top
Is my child being groomed by a pedophile?
The FBI estimates that there is one child molester per square mile in the United States. The majority of molested children are victimized by family members, close relatives or people who have easy access to them. Is your child being groomed by a pedophile? Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of pedophile grooming and help you determine if your child may need help.
Neglected Child   Top
Is this child a victim of neglect?
Neglect is the most common type of child abuse, but the least reported. Because neglect usually leaves no visible scars, it is more likely to go undetected. Neglect occurs when a child's caregiver does not provide for basic needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or supervision. Neglect includes failing to provide a safe environment, unsanitary or hazardous living conditions, leaving a young child unattended to go to work or other activities. Because neglect happens repeatedly, neglected children may grow up believing this is a normal way of life and will continue the cycle in their own families. If you are concerned that a child you know may be a victim of neglect, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if the child may indeed be neglected.
Negligent Parent   Top
Is this parent neglecting their child?
Neglect is the most common type of child abuse, but the least reported. Because neglect usually leaves no visible scars, it is more likely to go undetected. Neglect occurs when a child's caregiver does not provide for basic needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or supervision. Neglect includes failing to provide a safe environment, unsanitary or hazardous living conditions, leaving a young child unattended to go to work or other activities. Because neglect happens repeatedly, neglected children may grow up believing this is a normal way of life and will continue the cycle in their own families. If you are concerned about the actions or attitudes of a child's parent, and have concerns that the child may be a victim of neglect, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs negligent parents often display. Educators are usually the best at detecting negligence because they interact with the child and the parent(s).
Physical Child Abuse   Top
Is this child a victim of physical abuse?
Any nonaccidental physical injury caused by a child's caretaker is, by definition, physical abuse (even if the injury was not intentional). Physical abuse may result from extreme discipline or from overly harsh punishment by a parent or other caretaker who lacks self-control during stress or while using alcohol or drugs. Physical abuse can also result when a child is intentionally burned, beaten, kicked, punched, bitten, or any other action that could cause injury. Normal childhood injuries and bruises typically occur to the knees, elbows, forearms, or brows. Soft tissue areas, such as cheeks, buttocks, or thighs are not often injured during normal play. Also, bruises that happen during normal play are rarely in distinct shapes, like a hand, belt buckle, or adult teeth marks. You have probably already seen physical signs that have you concerned that the child may be abused, so this assessment focuses on the behavioral signs that may support suspicions of abuse. If you are concerned that a child you know may be physically abused, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if the child may be abused.
Sexual Child Abuse   Top
Is this child a victim of sexual abuse?
Unlike physical abuse, there are often no obvious outward signs of child sexual abuse. However, the long-term emotional and psychological damage of sexual abuse can be devastating to the child. A sexually abused child can develop a number of disturbing feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Some sexually abused children become child abusers themselves, prostitutes, or have other serious problems as adults. It is important to be able to detect and help an abused child get the treatment that can reduce the risk that the child will develop these serious problems later in life. If you are concerned that a child you know may be a victim of sexual abuse, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if the child may be abused.
Childhood Asthma   Top
Does my child have asthma?
Chronic asthma is the most common long-term children's disease, affecting about 1-2% of children. Some people only display one symptom such as coughing or wheezing after exercise, or persistent coughing at night. Although these one symptom cases may not be chronic asthma, 15-20% of all children will have non-chronic asthma symptoms. An asthma attack occurs when the bronchial airways become inflammed, obstructing the airway and affecting breathing. Asthma attacks can be extremely mild or they may be serious enough to cause death. Asthma attacks are most often triggered by exercise, infection, allergies, and weather. The better you understand your child's asthma, the better you will be able to control it. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of childhood asthma and help you determine if your child may have asthma.
Diabetes   Top
Do I have a symptoms of diabetes?
A person with diabetes has too much glucose (sugar) in the blood and not enough in the body's cells. The symptoms of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are similar. With Type 1 diabetes, the body stops producing insulin, creating high glucose levels, because the insulin producing cells have been destroyed. In Type 2 diabetes, the body's cells become resistant to the insulin that is being produced. Either way, your body sends out warning signs or symptoms to let you know your cells aren't getting the glucose they need. Parents often 'overdiagnose' diabetes in their children. Just drinking a lot or dry, itchy skin alone is not a strong indicator of diabetes, but when combined with other diabetes symptoms may be cause for concern. Take this quick assessment to learn the symptoms of diabetes and help you determine if you or your child may have diabetes.
Cold or Flu   Top
Do I have a simple cold or the flu?
Do you have a simple cold or the flu? Why does it matter when you still feel so rotten? There are treatments for the flu that may help you get better faster. Also, if you have the flu, you have probably exposed other people and they will appreciate it if you warn them so they can take preventative medicine and avoid getting sick too. (As bad as they feel for you, they don't want to be sick with you!) Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of flu and help you determine if you or your child has the flu or just a cold.
Seasonal Allergies   Top
Do I have seasonal allergies?
Spring allergies are the most common as trees, flowers, and weeds grow and pollenating bees are busy. Fall is the second common allergy season, with different plants blooming and molds are more active. People who are allergic to the spring and fall pollens also tend to be sensitive to indoor irritants like dust mites, animal dander, and molds, often leading to year-round allergy symptoms. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of seasonal allergies and help you determine if you or your child suffers from seasonal allergies.
Food Allergy   Top
Am I allergic to certain foods?
About 1.5% of adults and up to 6% of children under age 3 in the U.S. (or about 4 million people) have a true food allergy. It usually isn't a 'new' food that causes an allergic reaction. People often develop an allergy to a food he/she has eaten many times. The most common food allergies in children are eggs, milk, peanuts, soy and wheat. Children typically outgrow their allergies to milk, eggs, soy, and wheat. Children usually will not outgrow allergies to peanuts, tree nuts, fish, or shrimp. The most common foods to cause allergies in adults are shrimp, lobster, crab and other shellfish, peanuts, walnuts, and other tree nuts, fish, and eggs. Unlike children, adults do not usually 'outgrow' or lose their food allergies. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of food allergies and help you determine if you or your child is allergic to certain foods.
Childhood Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)   Top
Does my child have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)?
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common problem in children and is recognized as one cause of daytime attention and behavior problems. Unlike adults with OSA, who are often overweight, young children with OSA are usually not overweight, making children with OSA harder to recognize and diagnose. The main treatment for children with OSA is surgery to remove the enlarged tonsils and adenoids. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of childhood OSA and help you determine if your child may have obstructive sleep apnea.
Childhood Brain Tumor   Top
Does my child have symptoms of a brain tumor?
A brain tumor is any growth of abnormal cells or the uncontrolled growth of cells in the brain. The tumor may originate in the brain (primary brain tumor) or spread to the brain from another part of the body. Tumors can directly destroy brain cells or they can damage cells indirectly by causing inflammation and compressing other parts of the brain as the tumor grows, by causing the brain to swell (edema), or by causing pressure inside the skull. The cause of primary brain tumors is unknown, but some tumors tend to be hereditary while others are congenital and were present before birth. The symptoms of brain tumors depend on tumor size, type, and location. Bad headaches and vomiting are symptoms with many common causes, but when combined with any of the other brain tumor symptoms increases the possibility of a brain tumor. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of brain tumors in children and help you determine if your child should be evaluated for a possible brain tumor.
Separation Anxiety Disorder   Top
Does my child have symptoms of separation anxiety disorder?
Do you feel like your child never wants to be away from you and seems stressed when you are separated? Maybe your child suffers from Separation Anxiety Disorder. Separation anxieties are normal for infants or toddlers. Separation Anxiety Disorder generally occurs in older children, still younger than 18. Studies show that Separation Anxiety Disorder is more common in girls and about 4% of children have it. Situations like moving to a different home, a death or illness in the family, or trauma increases the risk for a child developing Separation Anxiety Disorder. Early intervention, with therapy or medications, leads to a more successful recovery. Adults with unresolved Separation Anxiety Disorder tend to have difficulty moving for college or a job, getting married, or being separated from their spouse or children. Take this quick assessment to learn the symptoms of Separation Anxiety Disorder and help you determine if your child may suffer from it.These questions are adapted from the DSM-IV (the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition) diagnostic criteria for Separation Anxiety Disorder.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)   Top
Does my child have Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)?
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is when a child develops a pattern of disobedient, hostile, and defiant behavior toward authority figures. All children are oppositional from time to time (particularly when tired, hungry, stressed or upset) and they will argue, talk back, disobey, and defy parents, teachers, and other adults. These behaviors are a normal part of development for very young children, but parents generally notice symptoms of ODD by age 8 when the behaviors have not improved. By about age 8, the openly uncooperative and hostile behavior may be ODD when it is so frequent and extreme when compared with other children of the same age and when it affects the child's social, family, and school life. The causes of ODD are unknown, but many parents report that their child with ODD was more rigid and demanding from an early age than the child's siblings. Experts believe biological and environmental factors may have a role. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of Oppositional Defiant Disorder and help you determine if your child may have ODD.
Childhood Bipolar Disorder   Top
Does my child have Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar Disorder is one of the most misunderstood disorders in children (may also be called 'early-onset Bipolar Disorder'). Many children who have Bipolar Disorder are misdiagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD), since typical adult Bipolar symptoms are applied to the child. Much more is known now about Bipolar Disorder in children and how the symptoms differ from adults. Children are at particular risk if both sides of the family has a history of mood disorders, like depression or Bipolar Disorder, or alcoholism. Recent research shows that over 80% of children who have Bipolar Disorder come from families where mood disorders or alcoholism run in the mother's family and in the father's family. If your child has frequent mood swings and seems totally out-of-control and you are completely exasperated trying to figure him/her out, take this quick assessment to learn the symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in children and help you determine if your child should be evaluated for Bipolar Disorder.
Teen Smoker   Top
Is my teenager smoking?
Cigarettes and tobacco are probably the drugs most available to teenagers. Since tobacco is a gateway drug, teens who smoke are much more likely to try stronger drugs, including marijuana, cocaine, and heavy drinking. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of teenage smoking and help you determine whether or not your child may be smoking.
Inhalant Abuse   Top
Is my child 'sniffing' or 'huffing' inhalants like a drug?
Inhalant abuse, also known as 'sniffing' or 'huffing', has decreased overall in recent years; however, it has increased among younger children. Inhalants are one of the first drugs that many children try, mainly because they are free or cheap and found in every home. Inhalants commonly found around the house include solvents, gasoline, airplane or model glue, rubber cement, correction fluid, felt-tip markers, spray paint, hairspray, nail polish remover, paint thinner, spot removers, degreasers, and vegetable cooking spray. Other gases such as butane, helium, nitrous oxide, and propane can also be abused. Inhalant abuse can cause memory loss, permanent brain damage, and even death. Answer these few questions to learn more about the warning signs of inhalant abuse and help you determine if your child may be 'sniffing' or 'huffing'.
Bullied Child   Free Calculator  Top
Is my child being bullied?
Nearly half of all children are bullied at some time during their school years and 10% are bullied on a regular basis. Bullies often choose children who are passive, easily intimidated, or have few friends. Victims are often smaller or younger and have a hard time defending themselves. Bullying interferes with the victim's social and emotional development, school performance, and many victim's think about suicide. If you are concerned that your child may be victim of bullying, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if the child may need help.
Child Bully   Top
Is my child a bully?
The Stop Bullying Now campaign defines bullying as 'aggressive behavior that is intentional, repeated over time, and involves an imbalance of power or strength. A child who is being bullied has a hard time defending himself or herself'. Also, 15-20% of children who are bullied say they sometimes bully others. Bullying is serious, since bullied children may become depressed, lonely, anxious, have low self-esteem, feel sick, and think about suicide. If you are concerned that a child you know may be bullying other children, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if the child may be a bully.
CyberBullying   Top
I feel harassed during the internet communications from someone, am I being cyberbullied?
Cyberbullies use the internet, email, instant messaging, or text messaging to harass another person. A cyberbully may be someone you actually know or it could be someone you have only met online. The best way to protect against cyberbullying is to ignore any communications from the bully, use e-mail and internet filtering software, only allow instant messages from people you have set up on your list, and protect your identity and personal information while using the internet. If you are concerned that you or your child may be communicating with a cyberbully, take this quick assessment to learn more about the signs of cyberbullying and help you determine if you or your child may be a victim.
Cyber Pedophile   Free Calculator  Top
Is my child being contacted by a cyber pedophile?
The internet is the new playground or schoolyard where pedophiles go to meet children. Cyber pedophiles almost always have a history of sexual conduct with children and now use chat rooms to contact children directly. Cyber pedophiles usually have interest in child pornography or sexual urges and fantasies with children. The legal system has seen an alarming increase in the number of pedophiles over the past several years. Statistics show that 1 in 5 children who use computer chat rooms have been approached by a pedophile and 1 in 7 kids who use the internet have been solicited for sex online. Law enforcement officials estimate as many as 50,000 sexual predators are online at any given moment. 'We go out and do live demonstrations and it will amaze you. We will pose and log as a 14, 15, 16-year-old boy or girl. Just by being there, it will only take minutes, less than five, and we'll probably be solicited,' said Ada County Sheriff Gary Raney. If you are concerned that you or your child may be communicating with a cyber pedophile, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if your child may be a victim.
Pedophile Grooming   Top
Is my child being groomed by a pedophile?
The FBI estimates that there is one child molester per square mile in the United States. The majority of molested children are victimized by family members, close relatives or people who have easy access to them. Is your child being groomed by a pedophile? Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of pedophile grooming and help you determine if your child may need help.
Neglected Child   Top
Is this child a victim of neglect?
Neglect is the most common type of child abuse, but the least reported. Because neglect usually leaves no visible scars, it is more likely to go undetected. Neglect occurs when a child's caregiver does not provide for basic needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or supervision. Neglect includes failing to provide a safe environment, unsanitary or hazardous living conditions, leaving a young child unattended to go to work or other activities. Because neglect happens repeatedly, neglected children may grow up believing this is a normal way of life and will continue the cycle in their own families. If you are concerned that a child you know may be a victim of neglect, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if the child may indeed be neglected.
Negligent Parent   Top
Is this parent neglecting their child?
Neglect is the most common type of child abuse, but the least reported. Because neglect usually leaves no visible scars, it is more likely to go undetected. Neglect occurs when a child's caregiver does not provide for basic needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or supervision. Neglect includes failing to provide a safe environment, unsanitary or hazardous living conditions, leaving a young child unattended to go to work or other activities. Because neglect happens repeatedly, neglected children may grow up believing this is a normal way of life and will continue the cycle in their own families. If you are concerned about the actions or attitudes of a child's parent, and have concerns that the child may be a victim of neglect, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs negligent parents often display. Educators are usually the best at detecting negligence because they interact with the child and the parent(s).
Physical Child Abuse   Top
Is this child a victim of physical abuse?
Any nonaccidental physical injury caused by a child's caretaker is, by definition, physical abuse (even if the injury was not intentional). Physical abuse may result from extreme discipline or from overly harsh punishment by a parent or other caretaker who lacks self-control during stress or while using alcohol or drugs. Physical abuse can also result when a child is intentionally burned, beaten, kicked, punched, bitten, or any other action that could cause injury. Normal childhood injuries and bruises typically occur to the knees, elbows, forearms, or brows. Soft tissue areas, such as cheeks, buttocks, or thighs are not often injured during normal play. Also, bruises that happen during normal play are rarely in distinct shapes, like a hand, belt buckle, or adult teeth marks. You have probably already seen physical signs that have you concerned that the child may be abused, so this assessment focuses on the behavioral signs that may support suspicions of abuse. If you are concerned that a child you know may be physically abused, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if the child may be abused.
Sexual Child Abuse   Top
Is this child a victim of sexual abuse?
Unlike physical abuse, there are often no obvious outward signs of child sexual abuse. However, the long-term emotional and psychological damage of sexual abuse can be devastating to the child. A sexually abused child can develop a number of disturbing feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Some sexually abused children become child abusers themselves, prostitutes, or have other serious problems as adults. It is important to be able to detect and help an abused child get the treatment that can reduce the risk that the child will develop these serious problems later in life. If you are concerned that a child you know may be a victim of sexual abuse, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if the child may be abused.
Child Overweight Risk   Top
Is my child at risk of becoming overweight?
There is a lot of news lately suggesting that obesity is or is quickly becoming an epidemic in the U.S. Our children are not far behind - as adult obesity increases, so does childhood obesity. Most overweight children simply eat too much, especially unhealthy foods, and aren't active enough. Researchers have found that about 25 percent of children and adolescents are overweight, double the percentage of 30 years ago. Obese children ages 10 to 13 reportedly have a 70 percent chance of becoming obese adults. Parents who recognize that their child is at risk for obesity can begin to make lifestyle changes to lessen that risk, like joining your children in active play and introducing new and healthier foods. While genetics does play a part in obesity, most people can control their weight through activity, exercise, and healthy eating. Not every child who is high risk will become overweight and even children who are not overweight right now may still be at risk of becoming overweight in their adolescence or adulthood if they have these high risk habits. Take this quick assessment to learn obesity risk factors and help you determine if you should make some lifestyle changes to reduce your child's risk of obesity.
Healthy Body Image   Top
Do I have a healthy view of my body?
Girls as young as 9 years old report some dissatisfaction with their bodies and their body image tends to grow steadily worse as they get older. Girls tend to struggle with body image far more than boys. Most body image feelings will stay with a girl into womanhood. A girl's body image is influenced by peers, media, coaches, parents, siblings, or other family members. Parents influence their daughter's self-image when they comment on their own or someone else's body shape or size. This quick assessment can help you understand what it takes to have a healthy body image.
High School Readiness   Top
Is my teen ready for high school?
Is your teenager ready for high school? What skills are necessary to make a teen's high school years more enjoyable and more successful? Take this quick assessment to learn the skills your teen will need to easily make the transition to high school.
Teen Stress   Top
Does my teenager have symptoms of stress?
Teenagers face stress for different reasons than adults. Teens may be stressed about things at home, like blended family issues, divorced parents, siblings, an alcoholic parent, an abusive home, or pressures from home. Teens also experience stress from school, like pressure from teachers, parents, or friends to to do well or peer pressure. Other teen stress factors may be worry about how to pay for college, how to afford to live on their own, or whether or not they can get a job after college. Whatever the reason, teen stress is real; in fact, many teens are under more stress than at any other stage of life. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the symptoms of teenage stress and help you determine whether or not your teen might be stressed out.
Teen Depression   Top
Does my teenager have symptoms of depression?
Early symptoms of adolescent depression can be difficult to diagnose because they appear to be so normal for teenagers. Teenage depression isn't just bad moods and occasional melancholy. Depression limits a teenager's ability to function normally. Depression symptoms in teenagers may include a persistent sad mood, irritability, feelings of hopelessness, or the inability to be happy for a period of weeks, months, or even years. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the symptoms of teenage depression and help you determine whether or not your teen might suffer from depression.
Teen Suicide   Top
Is my teenager a suicide risk?
Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15 to 24 year olds, and the sixth leading cause of death for 5 to 14 year olds. Teenagers feel tremendous stress, pressure, confusion, fear, and self-doubt, perhaps more than at any other stage of life. For some teens, suicide may appear to be the only solution to their problems. Some typical teenage behaviors (spending a lot of time in their room, moody, loses interest in hobbies or sports) are also warning signs of depression. And depression, if undetected or untreated, may lead to suicide. It is critical that parents take seriously any comment about suicide from a child or teenager (get a professional evaluation immediately, and begin talking with your child about their feelings). Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of teenage suicide and help you determine whether or not your teenager may be a suicide risk.
Teen Learning Disability   Top
Does my teenager have a learning disability?
We usually expect learning disabilities to be detected long before a child becomes a teenager. Young children who actually have learning disabilities may not be diagnosed because the child is a conscientious student and simply worked hard or learned to cope. In middle or high school, it may get too difficult to continue working harder and longer than other students, so teenagers with undetected learning disabilities may eventually fall behind and give up. Some teens suffer from one particular type of learning disability, while others will have symptoms from a combination of areas. It can be more difficult to believe teenagers have a learning disability because they seem to do well in most subjects, so we think their trouble area is just 'not their thing'. Your teen can have normal or above normal intelligence and still suffer from a learning disability. Children should be able to succeed in every area taught in public schools. Otherwise, they may actually have a learning disability. This assessment can help you figure out which particular type or combination of learning disabilies your teen is showing symptoms in, so you can get help where it is needed most.
Separation Anxiety Disorder   Top
Does my child have symptoms of separation anxiety disorder?
Do you feel like your child never wants to be away from you and seems stressed when you are separated? Maybe your child suffers from Separation Anxiety Disorder. Separation anxieties are normal for infants or toddlers. Separation Anxiety Disorder generally occurs in older children, still younger than 18. Studies show that Separation Anxiety Disorder is more common in girls and about 4% of children have it. Situations like moving to a different home, a death or illness in the family, or trauma increases the risk for a child developing Separation Anxiety Disorder. Early intervention, with therapy or medications, leads to a more successful recovery. Adults with unresolved Separation Anxiety Disorder tend to have difficulty moving for college or a job, getting married, or being separated from their spouse or children. Take this quick assessment to learn the symptoms of Separation Anxiety Disorder and help you determine if your child may suffer from it.These questions are adapted from the DSM-IV (the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition) diagnostic criteria for Separation Anxiety Disorder.
Alcohol Hangover   Top
Does my teenager have a hangover from using alcohol?
Your teenager seems tired and sick a lot on the weekends. You're beginning to wonder if they're drinking the night before, but they tell you it's just from staying up too late. Frequent hangovers are a sign of alcohol abuse or alcoholism. (See our Teen Binge Drinking Assessment, our Teen Alcohol Abuse Assessment, or our Teen Alcoholism Assessment to learn more about teenagers and alcohol.) A teenager's brain is still developing rapidly, making them more susceptible to alcoholism than adults. It is important to identify teenage drinkers as early as possible and begin treatment so they will not have to struggle with alcohol problems their entire life. Take this quick assessment to learn the warning signs of an alcohol hangover and help you determine if your teenager may be drinking.
Teen Binge Drinking   Top
Is my teenager a binge drinker?
Binge drinking is defined as having 4 (for women) or 5 (for men) drinks at one occasion. Drinking so much in such a short time creates a high concentration of alcohol in the body. When the blood-alcohol level becomes dangerously high it leads to alcohol poisoning, one of the most dangerous consequences of binge drinking. Alcohol poisoning can lead to brain damage or even death. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of teenage binge drinking and alcohol poisoning and help you determine whether or not your teenager may have a problem with binge drinking and/or alcohol poisoning.
Teen Alcohol Abuse   Top
Is my teenager using alcohol?
Teenagers will abuse alcohol for many different reasons, but they all tend to exhibit many similar warning signs. It is important to identify teenager alocohol abusers early since alcohol abuse by teens quickly turns to binge drinking or alcoholism. (If your teen has many alcohol abuse warning signs, see our Teen Binge Drinking Assessment and Teen Alcoholism Assessment.) Take this quick assessment to learn the warning signs of teen alcohol abuse and help you distinguish between normal teen behavior and a possible problem with alcohol abuse.
Teen Alcoholism   Top
Is my teenager addicted to alcohol?
Alcoholism is different than alcohol abuse. Drinking occasionally and the ability to contol drinking may indicate alcohol abuse but not alcoholism. Alcohol abuse turns to alcoholism when a person drinks so much that physical and mental functions are impaired and the person needs more and more alcohol to get the same effect. As the body develops a physical dependence to the alcohol the person will experience withdrawal symptoms (nausea, sweating, anxiety) when they try to stop drinking alcohol. Approximately 40% of teens who start drinking before age 15 will develop alcoholism at some point in their lives. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of teenage alcoholism and help you determine whether or not your child may have a problem with alcoholism.
Teen Drug Abuse   Top
Is my teenager using drugs?
Some typical teenage behaviors (spending a lot of time in their room, moody, loses interest in hobbies or sports) are also warning signs of drug abuse. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of teenage drug abuse and help you determine whether or not your child may have a drug abuse problem.
Steroid Abuse   Top
Is my teenager using steroids?
Anabolic steroids (also known as roids, juice, hype, or pump) are man-made substances used to build muscle. They are legally available only by prescription and would be prescribed for low testerone production or loss of lean muscle mass. People are abusing steroids to enhance performance, especially for sports, and to improve physique and appearance. Recent headlines about steroid abuse have focused on professional and Olympic athletes. But the most vulnerable abusers are probably our high school teens, trying to achieve the 'look' of their favorite athlete or actor. Americans are obsessed with body image, which leads teens to eating disorders, steroid abuse, and a lifelong struggle with low self-esteem. The side effects are numerous, including acne, depression, aggressive behavior ('roid rage'), stunted growth, liver damage or cancer, cardiovascular damage, and reproductive system damage. Boys who abuse steroids may also experience baldness, shrinking testicles, impotence, and irreversible breast enlargement. Girls abusing steroids is a growing problem. Female abusers develop more masculine characteristics including decreased breast size, deepened voice, excessive body hair growth, and loss of scalp hair. Anabolic steroids may be taken orally or injected, usually in on/off cycles of week or months. Steroids are easily found on the internet and, unfortunately, in some gyms. Your kids may get them from friends or even an obsessive coach. As if the dangers of anabolic steroid use are not enough, the danger is increased when many substances sold as anabolic steroids are contaminated, diluted, or simply fake. Answer these few questions to learn more about the signs of steroid abuse and help you determine if your teenager may be using steroids.
Inhalant Abuse   Top
Is my child 'sniffing' or 'huffing' inhalants like a drug?
Inhalant abuse, also known as 'sniffing' or 'huffing', has decreased overall in recent years; however, it has increased among younger children. Inhalants are one of the first drugs that many children try, mainly because they are free or cheap and found in every home. Inhalants commonly found around the house include solvents, gasoline, airplane or model glue, rubber cement, correction fluid, felt-tip markers, spray paint, hairspray, nail polish remover, paint thinner, spot removers, degreasers, and vegetable cooking spray. Other gases such as butane, helium, nitrous oxide, and propane can also be abused. Inhalant abuse can cause memory loss, permanent brain damage, and even death. Answer these few questions to learn more about the warning signs of inhalant abuse and help you determine if your child may be 'sniffing' or 'huffing'.
Teen Smoker   Top
Is my teenager smoking?
Cigarettes and tobacco are probably the drugs most available to teenagers. Since tobacco is a gateway drug, teens who smoke are much more likely to try stronger drugs, including marijuana, cocaine, and heavy drinking. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of teenage smoking and help you determine whether or not your child may be smoking.
Substance Abuse Vulnerability   Top
Is this child vulnerable to substance abuse?
Children will abuse drugs, alcohol, or other substances for many reasons and every child is susceptible to abusing substances. Some, however, are at more risk than others. How can you tell if a child you know has a high vulnerability to abusing drugs or alcohol? Take this quick assessment to learn more about the characteristics of children who are highly vulnerable to substance abuse and help you determine if a child you know may be at risk to develop substance abuse.
Anorexia   Top
How can I tell if I, my child, or someone I know might have anorexia?
Messages are all around us of the benefits of a healthy diet and regular exercise. Advice on how to do that is also readily available. However, an obsession with losing weight and exercising can lead to anorexia. The emotional and physical consequences are serious. A person with anorexia does not realize the dangers (including hair loss, fatigue and weakness, dehydration, weakened immune system, heart trouble, even death) of denying food to their body. It's also important to know that about 50% of people with anorexia also develop bulimia. (See our Bulimia Assessment for help if you think you or a loved one may have bulimia.) Answer these few questions to learn more about the signs of anorexia and help you determine if your child or someone you know may have anorexia.
Bulimia   Top
How can I tell if my child or someone I know might have bulimia?
Purging seems like an easy way to control weight. 'Eat anything you want, as much as you want, and never gain an ounce! Just get rid of the calories consumed.' Unfortunately, more than just calories are expelled during purging. The loss of potassium and other necessary minerals from purging can lead to dehyration, bowel problems, fatigue, ulcers, heart problems and even death. Purging (by self-induced vomiting, or using laxatives, diuretics, or enemas) begins as a way to control weight but becomes an uncontrollable habit. Bulimia suffers are very secretive and some of the symptoms are very subtle. Unlike anorexia sufferers, people with bulimia are more often normal weight or even overweight because they eat so much. It is important to know that 80% of bulimia patients are female and about 50% of people with anorexia also develop bulimia. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the signs of bulimia and help you determine if your child or someone you know may need professional help.
Binge Eating   Top
How can I tell if I or my child might be a binge eater?
Binge eating is a newly recognized eating disorder in which the sufferer has frequent episodes of compulsive overeating. Unlike anorexia and bulimia, binge eating disorder occurs almost as often in men as in women. Binge eating disorder can cause high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fatigue, joint pain, Type II diabetes, gallbladder disease, and heart disease. Do you think you may be or know a binge eater? Take this quick assessment to learn more about the symptoms of binge eating and help you determine whether you or your child might be a binge eater.
Eating Disorder   Free Calculator  Top
How can I tell if my child or someone I know might have an eating disorder?
An unhealthy relationship with food can lead to eating disorders, which have serious emotional and physical effects. Anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating are fairly well-known eating disorders, but some eating disorders don't fit into one of those categories. Some people severely restrict food intake without developing other symptoms of anorexia, some binge and purge on an irregular basis so it doesn't fit the symptoms of bulimia, and others may chew food then spit it out without swallowing. This assessment can help if your child or someone you know has suspicious eating behaviors, but they don't seem to have anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating or you're not sure which it may be. Answer these questions to learn more about the symptoms of eating disorders in general and help you determine whether your child or someone you know might suffer from an eating disorder.
Eating Disorder Contributor   Top
Am I contributing to my child's risk of developing an eating disorder?
As a parent, you may be contributing to your child's risk of developing an eating disorder. Answer these few questions to learn more about how parents may unknowingly contribute to a child's eating disorder and help you evaluate if you may need to modify some of your behaviors.
Healthy Body Image   Top
Do I have a healthy view of my body?
Girls as young as 9 years old report some dissatisfaction with their bodies and their body image tends to grow steadily worse as they get older. Girls tend to struggle with body image far more than boys. Most body image feelings will stay with a girl into womanhood. A girl's body image is influenced by peers, media, coaches, parents, siblings, or other family members. Parents influence their daughter's self-image when they comment on their own or someone else's body shape or size. This quick assessment can help you understand what it takes to have a healthy body image.
Teen Cell Phone Addict   Top
Is my teenager addicted to a cell phone?
Addiction is evident when an obsession with something disrupts the more important things in life, like personal relationships, schooling, or jobs. People can become addicted to pretty much anything, and teens are especially vulnerable to addictions, whether behavior or substance addictions. Teenagers who are shy and have low self-esteem are more likely to become cellular addicts because, with text messaging, you can make 'texting friends' that you never actually have to meet, very much like internet chatting. The cell phone has been dubbed 'the new cigarette' and 'one of the biggest non-drug addictions of the 21st century.' Mobile phones are a status symbol for teenagers, where the person who gets the most messages is the most popular. The good news is that as teen cell phone use has increased, teen smoking has decreased. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of mobile phone addiction and help you determine whether or not your teenager may be a cell phone addict.
Teen Internet Addict   Top
Is my teenager addicted to the internet?
Addiction is evident when an obsession with something disrupts the more important things in life, like personal relationships, schooling, or jobs. People can become addicted to pretty much anything, and teens are especially vulnerable to addictions, whether behavior or substance addictions. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of internet addiction and help you determine whether or not your teenager may be addicted to the internet.
Tanning Addict   Top
Am I addicted to tanning?
Love that 'healthy' glow that a tan gives you? Research proves that there is nothing healthy about that tan that looks so good. A recent study by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a branch of the World Health Organization (WHO), leaves no doubt about the dangers of tanning. People who first use sunbeds in their teens or twenties increase their risk of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer by an astounding 75 percent! The study also shows youth who tan also increase their risk of squamous cell carcinoma, the second most common skin cancer. Other health problems associated with tanning include a decrease in the skin's immune response, an increase in eye cataracts and cancers, and the premature aging of the skin. Skin aging caused by sun exposure or tanning beds can be seen in tanners in their 20's, including wrinkles and age spots (dark patches of skin). According to Peter Boyle, MD, Director of the IARC, the study found no positive health effects from sunbed tanning, contradicting what the $5 billion tanning salon industry has used as its main selling point. Dr. Boyle recommends, and some communities are taking action, restricting access to tanning salons by minors and young adults. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of tanning addiction and help you determine if you or someone you care about may be a tanning addict.
Bullied Teen   Free Calculator  Top
Is my teenager being bullied?
Nearly half of all children are bullied at some time during their school years and 10% are bullied on a regular basis. Bullies often choose children who are passive, easily intimidated, or have few friends. Victims are often smaller or younger and have a hard time defending themselves. Bullying interferes with the victim's social and emotional development, school performance, and many victim's think about suicide. If you are concerned that your child may be victim of bullying, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if the child may need help.
Teen Bully   Top
Is my teenager a bully?
Bullies thrive on controlling or dominating others. Bullying behavior can be physical or verbal. Boys tend to use physical intimidation or threats, while girls tend to bully other girls and the bullying is more often verbal. Bullies may be depressed, angry, or upset about school or home situations and have often been victims of physical abuse or bullying themselves. Bully behavior needs immediate intervention from a doctor, teacher, principal, or school counselor. Without intervention, bullying can lead to serious academic, social, emotional and legal difficulties. If you are concerned that a teenager you know may be a bully, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if the teen may be a bully.
CyberBullying   Top
I feel harassed during the internet communications from someone, am I being cyberbullied?
Cyberbullies use the internet, email, instant messaging, or text messaging to harass another person. A cyberbully may be someone you actually know or it could be someone you have only met online. The best way to protect against cyberbullying is to ignore any communications from the bully, use e-mail and internet filtering software, only allow instant messages from people you have set up on your list, and protect your identity and personal information while using the internet. If you are concerned that you or your child may be communicating with a cyberbully, take this quick assessment to learn more about the signs of cyberbullying and help you determine if you or your child may be a victim.
CyberStalking   Top
I'm uncomfortable about the internet communications from someone, am I being cyberstalked?
Cyberstalkers use internet, email, instant messaging, or text messaging to stalk another person. Cyberstalking is serious even if there is no physical stalking. Laws regarding cyberstalking are usually weak, so you must take precautions to protect yourself. The best way to protect against cyberstalking is to ignore any communications from the stalker. Cyberstalking sometimes advances to physical stalking and violence, so be extra cautious to protect your identity while online. If you are concerned about a potential cyberstalker, take this quick assessment to learn more about the signs of cyberstalking and help you determine if you may be a victim.
Cyber Pedophile   Free Calculator  Top
Is my child being contacted by a cyber pedophile?
The internet is the new playground or schoolyard where pedophiles go to meet children. Cyber pedophiles almost always have a history of sexual conduct with children and now use chat rooms to contact children directly. Cyber pedophiles usually have interest in child pornography or sexual urges and fantasies with children. The legal system has seen an alarming increase in the number of pedophiles over the past several years. Statistics show that 1 in 5 children who use computer chat rooms have been approached by a pedophile and 1 in 7 kids who use the internet have been solicited for sex online. Law enforcement officials estimate as many as 50,000 sexual predators are online at any given moment. 'We go out and do live demonstrations and it will amaze you. We will pose and log as a 14, 15, 16-year-old boy or girl. Just by being there, it will only take minutes, less than five, and we'll probably be solicited,' said Ada County Sheriff Gary Raney. If you are concerned that you or your child may be communicating with a cyber pedophile, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if your child may be a victim.
Pedophile Grooming   Top
Is my child being groomed by a pedophile?
The FBI estimates that there is one child molester per square mile in the United States. The majority of molested children are victimized by family members, close relatives or people who have easy access to them. Is your child being groomed by a pedophile? Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of pedophile grooming and help you determine if your child may need help.
Gang Involvement   Top
Is my teenager involved with a gang?
A gang is a group of teens and young adults that hang out together and initiate violent, illegal, or criminal activity. They usually have a name and/or symbol. They often choose to wear a certain style or color of clothing. Many people think of gangs as just an inner-city problem. That is clearly not the case any more, with more than 24,500 different youth gangs around the country, counting more than 772,500 teens and young adults as members. In the 1970’s, gangs were active in less than half the states, but now every state reports youth gang activity, including smaller cities, towns, and rural areas. Youth gangs are responsible for much of the serious violence in the United States and pose one of the greatest threats to the safety and security of average Americans. Teen gang members are much more likely to commit serious and violent crimes than other teens. A survey in Denver found that while only 14% of teens were gang members, they were responsible for committing 89% of the serious violent crimes. Teens join gangs for a number of reasons (excitement, money, prestige, protection, or acceptance) but joining a gang is dangerous. Violence between gangs is common, and gang members are at least 60 times more likely to be killed than the rest of the population. Few teens are forced to join gangs; teens can usually refuse to join without fear of retaliation. For most teens, gang membership is a brief phase. One-half to two-thirds of teen gang members leave the gang by the end of their first year. You can help slow the spread of gang violence by learning what a gang is, what the signs of gang involvement and gang activity are. If you are concerned that your teenager may be involved with a gang, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if your child may truly be getting into gang activity.
Daughter's Abusive Relationship   Top
Is my daughter in an abusive relationship?
Teenage abusive relationships are on the rise. Many teenager girls are finding themselves in relationships that are controlling, manipulative, or even physicially abusive. And some research shows that as many as 98% of these teenage girls continue to date their abuser. If you are concerned about your daughter's relationship, take this short assessment to learn more about the signs of an abusive relationship and help you determine if your daughter's relationship may be abusive.
Physical Child Abuse   Top
Is this child a victim of physical abuse?
Any nonaccidental physical injury caused by a child's caretaker is, by definition, physical abuse (even if the injury was not intentional). Physical abuse may result from extreme discipline or from overly harsh punishment by a parent or other caretaker who lacks self-control during stress or while using alcohol or drugs. Physical abuse can also result when a child is intentionally burned, beaten, kicked, punched, bitten, or any other action that could cause injury. Normal childhood injuries and bruises typically occur to the knees, elbows, forearms, or brows. Soft tissue areas, such as cheeks, buttocks, or thighs are not often injured during normal play. Also, bruises that happen during normal play are rarely in distinct shapes, like a hand, belt buckle, or adult teeth marks. You have probably already seen physical signs that have you concerned that the child may be abused, so this assessment focuses on the behavioral signs that may support suspicions of abuse. If you are concerned that a child you know may be physically abused, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if the child may be abused.
Sexual Child Abuse   Top
Is this child a victim of sexual abuse?
Unlike physical abuse, there are often no obvious outward signs of child sexual abuse. However, the long-term emotional and psychological damage of sexual abuse can be devastating to the child. A sexually abused child can develop a number of disturbing feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Some sexually abused children become child abusers themselves, prostitutes, or have other serious problems as adults. It is important to be able to detect and help an abused child get the treatment that can reduce the risk that the child will develop these serious problems later in life. If you are concerned that a child you know may be a victim of sexual abuse, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if the child may be abused.
Diabetes   Top
Do I have a symptoms of diabetes?
A person with diabetes has too much glucose (sugar) in the blood and not enough in the body's cells. The symptoms of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are similar. With Type 1 diabetes, the body stops producing insulin, creating high glucose levels, because the insulin producing cells have been destroyed. In Type 2 diabetes, the body's cells become resistant to the insulin that is being produced. Either way, your body sends out warning signs or symptoms to let you know your cells aren't getting the glucose they need. Parents often 'overdiagnose' diabetes in their children. Just drinking a lot or dry, itchy skin alone is not a strong indicator of diabetes, but when combined with other diabetes symptoms may be cause for concern. Take this quick assessment to learn the symptoms of diabetes and help you determine if you or your child may have diabetes.
Seasonal Allergies   Top
Do I have seasonal allergies?
Spring allergies are the most common as trees, flowers, and weeds grow and pollenating bees are busy. Fall is the second common allergy season, with different plants blooming and molds are more active. People who are allergic to the spring and fall pollens also tend to be sensitive to indoor irritants like dust mites, animal dander, and molds, often leading to year-round allergy symptoms. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of seasonal allergies and help you determine if you or your child suffers from seasonal allergies.
Food Allergy   Top
Am I allergic to certain foods?
About 1.5% of adults and up to 6% of children under age 3 in the U.S. (or about 4 million people) have a true food allergy. It usually isn't a 'new' food that causes an allergic reaction. People often develop an allergy to a food he/she has eaten many times. The most common food allergies in children are eggs, milk, peanuts, soy and wheat. Children typically outgrow their allergies to milk, eggs, soy, and wheat. Children usually will not outgrow allergies to peanuts, tree nuts, fish, or shrimp. The most common foods to cause allergies in adults are shrimp, lobster, crab and other shellfish, peanuts, walnuts, and other tree nuts, fish, and eggs. Unlike children, adults do not usually 'outgrow' or lose their food allergies. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of food allergies and help you determine if you or your child is allergic to certain foods.
Childhood Brain Tumor   Top
Does my child have symptoms of a brain tumor?
A brain tumor is any growth of abnormal cells or the uncontrolled growth of cells in the brain. The tumor may originate in the brain (primary brain tumor) or spread to the brain from another part of the body. Tumors can directly destroy brain cells or they can damage cells indirectly by causing inflammation and compressing other parts of the brain as the tumor grows, by causing the brain to swell (edema), or by causing pressure inside the skull. The cause of primary brain tumors is unknown, but some tumors tend to be hereditary while others are congenital and were present before birth. The symptoms of brain tumors depend on tumor size, type, and location. Bad headaches and vomiting are symptoms with many common causes, but when combined with any of the other brain tumor symptoms increases the possibility of a brain tumor. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of brain tumors in children and help you determine if your child should be evaluated for a possible brain tumor.
Early Pregnancy   Top
Could I be pregnant?
Wondering if you're pregnant? The symptoms of pregnancy are not the same for every woman. In fact, your own symptoms may be different from one pregnancy to another. Pregnancy symptoms can also vary in their intensity, frequency and duration. Many of the earliest pregnancy symptoms are very similar to routine pre-menstrual discomforts. The symptoms in this assessment are in no particular order, but answer these few questions to learn more about what to expect very early during pregnancy and help you determine if you may be pregnant.
College Readiness   Free Calculator  Top
Is my teen or young adult ready for college?
Is your teenager or young adult ready for college? What skills are necessary to make the college experience more enjoyable and more successful? Take this quick assessment to learn the skills your young adult will need to easily make the transition to college.
Stress   Top
Does my teenager have symptoms of stress?
Teenagers face stress for different reasons than adults. Teens may be stressed about things at home, like blended family issues, divorced parents, siblings, an alcoholic parent, an abusive home, or pressures from home. Teens also experience stress from school, like pressure from teachers, parents, or friends to to do well or peer pressure. Other teen stress factors may be worry about how to pay for college, how to afford to live on their own, or whether or not they can get a job after college. Whatever the reason, teen stress is real; in fact, many teens are under more stress than at any other stage of life. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the symptoms of teenage stress and help you determine whether or not your teen might be stressed out.
Depression   Top
Does my teenager have symptoms of depression?
Early symptoms of adolescent depression can be difficult to diagnose because they appear to be so normal for teenagers. Teenage depression isn't just bad moods and occasional melancholy. Depression limits a teenager's ability to function normally. Depression symptoms in teenagers may include a persistent sad mood, irritability, feelings of hopelessness, or the inability to be happy for a period of weeks, months, or even years. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the symptoms of teenage depression and help you determine whether or not your teen might suffer from depression.
Suicide   Top
Is my teenager a suicide risk?
Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15 to 24 year olds, and the sixth leading cause of death for 5 to 14 year olds. Teenagers feel tremendous stress, pressure, confusion, fear, and self-doubt, perhaps more than at any other stage of life. For some teens, suicide may appear to be the only solution to their problems. Some typical teenage behaviors (spending a lot of time in their room, moody, loses interest in hobbies or sports) are also warning signs of depression. And depression, if undetected or untreated, may lead to suicide. It is critical that parents take seriously any comment about suicide from a child or teenager (get a professional evaluation immediately, and begin talking with your child about their feelings). Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of teenage suicide and help you determine whether or not your teenager may be a suicide risk.
Alcohol Hangover   Top
Does my teenager have a hangover from using alcohol?
Your teenager seems tired and sick a lot on the weekends. You're beginning to wonder if they're drinking the night before, but they tell you it's just from staying up too late. Frequent hangovers are a sign of alcohol abuse or alcoholism. (See our Teen Binge Drinking Assessment, our Teen Alcohol Abuse Assessment, or our Teen Alcoholism Assessment to learn more about teenagers and alcohol.) A teenager's brain is still developing rapidly, making them more susceptible to alcoholism than adults. It is important to identify teenage drinkers as early as possible and begin treatment so they will not have to struggle with alcohol problems their entire life. Take this quick assessment to learn the warning signs of an alcohol hangover and help you determine if your teenager may be drinking.
Binge Drinking   Top
Is my teenager a binge drinker?
Binge drinking is defined as having 4 (for women) or 5 (for men) drinks at one occasion. Drinking so much in such a short time creates a high concentration of alcohol in the body. When the blood-alcohol level becomes dangerously high it leads to alcohol poisoning, one of the most dangerous consequences of binge drinking. Alcohol poisoning can lead to brain damage or even death. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of teenage binge drinking and alcohol poisoning and help you determine whether or not your teenager may have a problem with binge drinking and/or alcohol poisoning.
Alcohol Abuse   Top
Is my teenager using alcohol?
Teenagers will abuse alcohol for many different reasons, but they all tend to exhibit many similar warning signs. It is important to identify teenager alocohol abusers early since alcohol abuse by teens quickly turns to binge drinking or alcoholism. (If your teen has many alcohol abuse warning signs, see our Teen Binge Drinking Assessment and Teen Alcoholism Assessment.) Take this quick assessment to learn the warning signs of teen alcohol abuse and help you distinguish between normal teen behavior and a possible problem with alcohol abuse.
Alcoholism   Top
Is my teenager addicted to alcohol?
Alcoholism is different than alcohol abuse. Drinking occasionally and the ability to contol drinking may indicate alcohol abuse but not alcoholism. Alcohol abuse turns to alcoholism when a person drinks so much that physical and mental functions are impaired and the person needs more and more alcohol to get the same effect. As the body develops a physical dependence to the alcohol the person will experience withdrawal symptoms (nausea, sweating, anxiety) when they try to stop drinking alcohol. Approximately 40% of teens who start drinking before age 15 will develop alcoholism at some point in their lives. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of teenage alcoholism and help you determine whether or not your child may have a problem with alcoholism.
Drug Abuse   Top
Is my teenager using drugs?
Some typical teenage behaviors (spending a lot of time in their room, moody, loses interest in hobbies or sports) are also warning signs of drug abuse. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of teenage drug abuse and help you determine whether or not your child may have a drug abuse problem.
Steroid Abuse   Top
Is my teenager using steroids?
Anabolic steroids (also known as roids, juice, hype, or pump) are man-made substances used to build muscle. They are legally available only by prescription and would be prescribed for low testerone production or loss of lean muscle mass. People are abusing steroids to enhance performance, especially for sports, and to improve physique and appearance. Recent headlines about steroid abuse have focused on professional and Olympic athletes. But the most vulnerable abusers are probably our high school teens, trying to achieve the 'look' of their favorite athlete or actor. Americans are obsessed with body image, which leads teens to eating disorders, steroid abuse, and a lifelong struggle with low self-esteem. The side effects are numerous, including acne, depression, aggressive behavior ('roid rage'), stunted growth, liver damage or cancer, cardiovascular damage, and reproductive system damage. Boys who abuse steroids may also experience baldness, shrinking testicles, impotence, and irreversible breast enlargement. Girls abusing steroids is a growing problem. Female abusers develop more masculine characteristics including decreased breast size, deepened voice, excessive body hair growth, and loss of scalp hair. Anabolic steroids may be taken orally or injected, usually in on/off cycles of week or months. Steroids are easily found on the internet and, unfortunately, in some gyms. Your kids may get them from friends or even an obsessive coach. As if the dangers of anabolic steroid use are not enough, the danger is increased when many substances sold as anabolic steroids are contaminated, diluted, or simply fake. Answer these few questions to learn more about the signs of steroid abuse and help you determine if your teenager may be using steroids.
Anorexia   Top
How can I tell if I, my child, or someone I know might have anorexia?
Messages are all around us of the benefits of a healthy diet and regular exercise. Advice on how to do that is also readily available. However, an obsession with losing weight and exercising can lead to anorexia. The emotional and physical consequences are serious. A person with anorexia does not realize the dangers (including hair loss, fatigue and weakness, dehydration, weakened immune system, heart trouble, even death) of denying food to their body. It's also important to know that about 50% of people with anorexia also develop bulimia. (See our Bulimia Assessment for help if you think you or a loved one may have bulimia.) Answer these few questions to learn more about the signs of anorexia and help you determine if your child or someone you know may have anorexia.
Bulimia   Top
How can I tell if my child or someone I know might have bulimia?
Purging seems like an easy way to control weight. 'Eat anything you want, as much as you want, and never gain an ounce! Just get rid of the calories consumed.' Unfortunately, more than just calories are expelled during purging. The loss of potassium and other necessary minerals from purging can lead to dehyration, bowel problems, fatigue, ulcers, heart problems and even death. Purging (by self-induced vomiting, or using laxatives, diuretics, or enemas) begins as a way to control weight but becomes an uncontrollable habit. Bulimia suffers are very secretive and some of the symptoms are very subtle. Unlike anorexia sufferers, people with bulimia are more often normal weight or even overweight because they eat so much. It is important to know that 80% of bulimia patients are female and about 50% of people with anorexia also develop bulimia. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the signs of bulimia and help you determine if your child or someone you know may need professional help.
Binge Eating   Top
How can I tell if I or my child might be a binge eater?
Binge eating is a newly recognized eating disorder in which the sufferer has frequent episodes of compulsive overeating. Unlike anorexia and bulimia, binge eating disorder occurs almost as often in men as in women. Binge eating disorder can cause high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fatigue, joint pain, Type II diabetes, gallbladder disease, and heart disease. Do you think you may be or know a binge eater? Take this quick assessment to learn more about the symptoms of binge eating and help you determine whether you or your child might be a binge eater.
Eating Disorder   Free Calculator  Top
How can I tell if my child or someone I know might have an eating disorder?
An unhealthy relationship with food can lead to eating disorders, which have serious emotional and physical effects. Anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating are fairly well-known eating disorders, but some eating disorders don't fit into one of those categories. Some people severely restrict food intake without developing other symptoms of anorexia, some binge and purge on an irregular basis so it doesn't fit the symptoms of bulimia, and others may chew food then spit it out without swallowing. This assessment can help if your child or someone you know has suspicious eating behaviors, but they don't seem to have anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating or you're not sure which it may be. Answer these questions to learn more about the symptoms of eating disorders in general and help you determine whether your child or someone you know might suffer from an eating disorder.
Eating Disorder Contributor   Top
Am I contributing to my child's risk of developing an eating disorder?
As a parent, you may be contributing to your child's risk of developing an eating disorder. Answer these few questions to learn more about how parents may unknowingly contribute to a child's eating disorder and help you evaluate if you may need to modify some of your behaviors.
Healthy Body Image   Top
Do I have a healthy view of my body?
Girls as young as 9 years old report some dissatisfaction with their bodies and their body image tends to grow steadily worse as they get older. Girls tend to struggle with body image far more than boys. Most body image feelings will stay with a girl into womanhood. A girl's body image is influenced by peers, media, coaches, parents, siblings, or other family members. Parents influence their daughter's self-image when they comment on their own or someone else's body shape or size. This quick assessment can help you understand what it takes to have a healthy body image.
Cell Phone Addict   Top
Is my teenager addicted to a cell phone?
Addiction is evident when an obsession with something disrupts the more important things in life, like personal relationships, schooling, or jobs. People can become addicted to pretty much anything, and teens are especially vulnerable to addictions, whether behavior or substance addictions. Teenagers who are shy and have low self-esteem are more likely to become cellular addicts because, with text messaging, you can make 'texting friends' that you never actually have to meet, very much like internet chatting. The cell phone has been dubbed 'the new cigarette' and 'one of the biggest non-drug addictions of the 21st century.' Mobile phones are a status symbol for teenagers, where the person who gets the most messages is the most popular. The good news is that as teen cell phone use has increased, teen smoking has decreased. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of mobile phone addiction and help you determine whether or not your teenager may be a cell phone addict.
Internet Addict   Top
Is my teenager addicted to the internet?
Addiction is evident when an obsession with something disrupts the more important things in life, like personal relationships, schooling, or jobs. People can become addicted to pretty much anything, and teens are especially vulnerable to addictions, whether behavior or substance addictions. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of internet addiction and help you determine whether or not your teenager may be addicted to the internet.
Tanning Addict   Top
Am I addicted to tanning?
Love that 'healthy' glow that a tan gives you? Research proves that there is nothing healthy about that tan that looks so good. A recent study by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a branch of the World Health Organization (WHO), leaves no doubt about the dangers of tanning. People who first use sunbeds in their teens or twenties increase their risk of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer by an astounding 75 percent! The study also shows youth who tan also increase their risk of squamous cell carcinoma, the second most common skin cancer. Other health problems associated with tanning include a decrease in the skin's immune response, an increase in eye cataracts and cancers, and the premature aging of the skin. Skin aging caused by sun exposure or tanning beds can be seen in tanners in their 20's, including wrinkles and age spots (dark patches of skin). According to Peter Boyle, MD, Director of the IARC, the study found no positive health effects from sunbed tanning, contradicting what the $5 billion tanning salon industry has used as its main selling point. Dr. Boyle recommends, and some communities are taking action, restricting access to tanning salons by minors and young adults. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of tanning addiction and help you determine if you or someone you care about may be a tanning addict.
Stalking   Top
I'm nervous about the way this person acts, am I being stalked?
Stalking is a form of harassment where a victim fears for their safety because someone haunts them physically or emotionally. Stalking is repetitive and devious in nature and the victim usually feels threatened. Stalking can take place in person, by phone, or online (see our Cyberstalking Assessment for more specific signs). The victim may never see the stalker or they may seem to be present almost everywhere the victim goes. Stalking is unpredictable and should always be considered dangerous. If you are concerned that someone may be stalking you, take this quick assessment to learn more about the signs of stalking and help you determine if you may be a victim of stalking.
CyberStalking   Top
I'm uncomfortable about the internet communications from someone, am I being cyberstalked?
Cyberstalkers use internet, email, instant messaging, or text messaging to stalk another person. Cyberstalking is serious even if there is no physical stalking. Laws regarding cyberstalking are usually weak, so you must take precautions to protect yourself. The best way to protect against cyberstalking is to ignore any communications from the stalker. Cyberstalking sometimes advances to physical stalking and violence, so be extra cautious to protect your identity while online. If you are concerned about a potential cyberstalker, take this quick assessment to learn more about the signs of cyberstalking and help you determine if you may be a victim.
Gang Involvement   Top
Is my teenager involved with a gang?
A gang is a group of teens and young adults that hang out together and initiate violent, illegal, or criminal activity. They usually have a name and/or symbol. They often choose to wear a certain style or color of clothing. Many people think of gangs as just an inner-city problem. That is clearly not the case any more, with more than 24,500 different youth gangs around the country, counting more than 772,500 teens and young adults as members. In the 1970’s, gangs were active in less than half the states, but now every state reports youth gang activity, including smaller cities, towns, and rural areas. Youth gangs are responsible for much of the serious violence in the United States and pose one of the greatest threats to the safety and security of average Americans. Teen gang members are much more likely to commit serious and violent crimes than other teens. A survey in Denver found that while only 14% of teens were gang members, they were responsible for committing 89% of the serious violent crimes. Teens join gangs for a number of reasons (excitement, money, prestige, protection, or acceptance) but joining a gang is dangerous. Violence between gangs is common, and gang members are at least 60 times more likely to be killed than the rest of the population. Few teens are forced to join gangs; teens can usually refuse to join without fear of retaliation. For most teens, gang membership is a brief phase. One-half to two-thirds of teen gang members leave the gang by the end of their first year. You can help slow the spread of gang violence by learning what a gang is, what the signs of gang involvement and gang activity are. If you are concerned that your teenager may be involved with a gang, take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs and help you determine if your child may truly be getting into gang activity.
Daughter's Abusive Relationship   Top
Is my daughter in an abusive relationship?
Teenage abusive relationships are on the rise. Many teenager girls are finding themselves in relationships that are controlling, manipulative, or even physicially abusive. And some research shows that as many as 98% of these teenage girls continue to date their abuser. If you are concerned about your daughter's relationship, take this short assessment to learn more about the signs of an abusive relationship and help you determine if your daughter's relationship may be abusive.
College Readiness   Free Calculator  Top
Is my teen or young adult ready for college?
Is your teenager or young adult ready for college? What skills are necessary to make the college experience more enjoyable and more successful? Take this quick assessment to learn the skills your young adult will need to easily make the transition to college.
Helicopter Parent   Top
Am I a 'helicopter' parent, hovering too much and not letting my young adult child grow up?
Helicopter parents hover, helping their young adult children too much. They may clean up after them still, help them with their school work, decide their major and help them with their class schedule. They will intervene to solve minor problems with roommates or professors. More and more colleges report that helicopter parents are making their presence felt on campus. Some even show up for college job fairs to help their child interview! Hovering parents have negative effects on themselves, their child, and the schools. Helicopter parents suffer more anxiety and less satisfaction with life. Children of these overly involved parents are arriving at colleges without basic social skills and the knowledge they need to solve their own problems. Colleges have to spend money on the resources required to deal with the phone calls and emails, contributing to increased tuition costs. Answer the questions in this quick assessment to see if you might be a helicopter parent, so you can begin to allow your young adult to become independent and assume the responsibilities that will lead to successful adulthood. Remember, the mistakes your children make along the way are some of the most valuable lessons they will ever learn.
Student Credit Card Debt   Top
Are my financial habits jeopardizing my college career and my future?
College students in credit card debt and declaring bankruptcy is a growing problem. In fact, college students are among the fastest growing group of bankruptcy filers. The average student graduates with between $3,000 and $4,000 in credit card debt, and many owe much more! Endless credit card offers seems to begin the day they turn 18 and many college students are managing their money completely on their own for the first time. Careful with those credit cards! Students with high credit card debt are more likely to work longer hours and have lower grades. And running up credit card debt and not making payments on time can impact your life for many years to come. Negative credit items stay on your report for 7 years. This negative credit can limit or prevent you from renting an apartment, buying a home or car, completing your education, and even finding a job, since many employers now review credit reports before hiring. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the warning signs of students headed for credit card trouble and help you determine if you should change your spending habits.
Early Pregnancy   Top
Could I be pregnant?
Wondering if you're pregnant? The symptoms of pregnancy are not the same for every woman. In fact, your own symptoms may be different from one pregnancy to another. Pregnancy symptoms can also vary in their intensity, frequency and duration. Many of the earliest pregnancy symptoms are very similar to routine pre-menstrual discomforts. The symptoms in this assessment are in no particular order, but answer these few questions to learn more about what to expect very early during pregnancy and help you determine if you may be pregnant.