Karvonen Target Heart Rate Calculator
Target Heart Rate
Fitness Goal

Beats Per
Minute (bpm)
Beats in
10 Secs

Target Heart Rate (THR)
Max Heart Rate (MHR)

Exercise Intensity Table
Goal Exercise Intensity Target Heart Rate (THR)
Get Fit 50%-60% of MHR
Lose Weight 60%-70% of MHR
Increase Endurance 70%-80% of MHR
Excellent Fitness 80%-90% of MHR
Competitive Athletics 90%-100% of MHR

All calculators are made available as self-help tools for your independent use with results based on information provided by the user. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes only. Calculated results are believed to be accurate but results are not guaranteed. Exercise, Fitness, Health, and Weight Loss calculators are not for providing medical advice and should not be used as a substitute for advice from a medical professional. Users are advised to check with a physician before undertaking any strenuous exercise or diet plan.
Presented by WebCalcSolutions.com and BizCalcs.com.
Copyright © 2005-2024 PeteSoft, LLC. All rights reserved.
Updated 05 Jul 2007
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A title for these calculator results that will help you identify it if you have printed out several versions of the calculator.
Your current age.
Choose the fitness goal closest to your actual goal.
The number of heart beats per minute (bpm). If your exercise equipment has a pulse sensor it will be expressed as beats per minute.
Find your pulse at your neck or wrist. Using a clock or watch with a second hand, count each heart beat for 10 seconds. (This number times 6 will be your heart beats per minute (bpm).)
Exercise at an intensity that will keep your heart rate within this range to best meet your fitness goal.
Based on your age, this is your maximum heart rate. Even during high intensity exercise you should not let your heart rate go above this number.
Your fitness goal helps determine the intensity of your exercise. In turn, exercise intensity and your age determines your target heart rate range to meet your fitness goal. This table shows the exercise intensity and target heart rate range for each fitness goal.